23: every mother's son

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Astrid walked down the staircase and saw a table covered in breakfast food in the courtyard. She stopped walking, utterly confused as she couldn't see or find any trace of anyone else being here. Klaus walked down behind her and his expression showed confusion equal to hers. Astrid glanced up at him. "Is this something of your doing?"

"While I admit that I've done this many times before, it wasn't me." Klaus responded in complete honesty.

"So...It has to be...Elijah?" Astrid questioned, not quite believing that Elijah would do this sort of thing.

Elijah suddenly joined them, now his expression matched the couple's at the large variety of breakfast foods in front of them. "I have had no hand in this..."

A silver lid on the platter rattled loudly, Astrid's suspicion rising as she took reluctant steps towards the table.

Klaus immediately held out an arm in front of her, preventing her from getting hurt in any possible danger, lifting the platter. Two starlings instantly flew as the object trapping them was taken away, heading for the ceiling of the compound. All three ducked their heads to avoid the likely hit.

Klaus noticed a piece of white card laying on the tray. He opened the invitation of sorts and read it aloud. 'Dinner, Your Home, 8PM.'

Klaus turned back towards Astrid and Elijah, grasping the card tightly. "An invitation from our mother." The brothers looked at each other before the younger of the two began to pace the floor, worried, and outraged. "We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family."

Astrid sighed heavily. "Why does she have the right to live after everything she's done? Can we not just kill her again?"

"Absolutely not." Elijah responded in a stern tone, causing Astrid to roll her eyes at him. "Esther is a master in the art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host."

"I think we can all guess what her intentions are." Astrid stated, picking at her nails in boredom. "I think we all remember the last time she was...resurrected."

Elijah simply shrugged his shoulders. "Well, then. We have-" He stopped mid-sentence to check his watch. "-this afternoon to prepare for the worst." He turned and left the compound shortly afterwards.

Later, Klaus was making preparations for tonight's dinner with the obviously compelled caterers. One of them held out two different bottles of wine to choose from and Klaus looked at them seriously. "Skip the salad course. Let's not make this dreadful evening any longer than it needs to be." He picked out a bottle of wine, then waving off the caterer.

"This is already becoming tedious, and the dinner hasn't even started yet." Astrid complained, sitting down in one of the dining chairs. "We need to create a plan."

"A plan for what, exactly?" Klaus questioned, already knowing what was going through her head.

"Esther will no doubt try and pull one of her classic tricks." Astrid spoke frustratedly. "We don't, and more importantly, can't allow that to distract us."

"Don't worry. I am sure Elijah has something in mind." Klaus spoke, knowing that it would set her off.

"And why the fuck is Elijah in charge again?!" Astrid responded in irritation, making Klaus chuckle at the reaction. "He may have his own plans, but we also need to have ours."

"Astrid, there is no point even talking about it. If my mother challenges one of us, then your reaction will be one that will not surprise neither Elijah or myself." Astrid narrowed her eyes slightly as Klaus paused. "Murder."

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