42: for the next millennium

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It had been six months since the defeat of Dahlia. Elijah had attempted to keep a civil relationship with the couple. Freya moved into the compound to try and help with Hope and Astrid had begun to trust her. Marcel remained angered at Klaus, meaning that Astrid didn't see him as much as she used to, while the Crescent Pack were still affected by the curse Dahlia placed upon them.

Klaus had been standing in front of the individual family portraits on the wall, more specifically, Elijah's. "Always and forever, indeed." After another silent moment, Klaus walked away and up the stairs.

He walked into Astrid's study to see her sitting in her chair on the other side of her desk and writing something in her daily planner.

"Are you going to ask me what you need or are you just going to stare at me all day?" She grinned, not looking up from what she was doing.

"What is in your plans for today, my love?" He asked her genuinely, sitting in one of the chairs opposite Astrid.

She flipped through the pages until she got to the current day and began to read the events that she took note of. "In around 15 minutes, Elijah and Erik are meeting me to talk to me and to try and convince me of their rights to spend time with Hope. Hope will then be put down for her nap at twenty minutes past three this afternoon. Lastly, at seven this evening, we have your artwork gallery showing in the city." Astrid looked up, to make eye contact with her husband who was grinning over at her from across the table. "Why? Did you think that I had forgot?"

Klaus laughed wholeheartedly and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you had forgotten about it in your oh-so-busy schedule..." He trailed off.

Astrid closed her planner and put it on the corner of her desk. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Nik."

Klaus shook his head with a small chuckle. "I know you wouldn't." He stood from his chair and walked around to the other side of the desk, so that he was standing behind Astrid. He kissed her on the cheek, before pressing his lips softly to the shell of her ear, whispering suggestive words in her ear.

Astrid hummed softly and sighed in content. "Nik, we can't..." She trailed off in her words reluctantly.

"Why not?" Klaus groaned in annoyance, desperate for his wife's affection.

"Because Elijah and Erik will be here at any moment. As much as I would love to, we don't have enough time." Astrid sighed, feeling Klaus' hands on her shoulders.

Klaus pulled Astrid from her chair and close to him. "So, cancel. They don't deserve to spend time with her anyway."

"I know they don't. I have no intention of giving in to their futile reasonings. I just want to give them both a little...insight into why what they did was incredibly stupid. But..." She paused, running a hand down Klaus' chest seductively. "We will always have time for such activities afterwards."

"Oh, is that so?" Klaus mocked playfully, leaning down and bringing her face to his, engaging in a passionate kiss, one which she didn't say no to; one that she welcomed as she held on to his shirt for support as she kissed him back just as affectionately.

They slowly broke apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat in impatience. Klaus and Astrid both looked to see Elijah and Erik stood in the doorway, Elijah's arms crossed as if it was an inconvenience for him, while Erik looked anywhere except from Astrid. Klaus sighed loudly. "I will see you after your meeting with the...imbeciles. Call me if you need me?" To which Astrid nodded, as they both let go and Klaus glared at Elijah on the way out.

Elijah gritted his teeth together at Klaus' behaviour before turning to look at Astrid. "May we begin?" He questioned impatiently. "Unless you'd like to cancel again...for a sixth time?"

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