35. Another Alternate Ending

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 IMPORTANT A/N uh hi, kfjsdklfj so um i haven't wrote anything in this book for 2 years and idk i felt like surprising my readers since they liked this book so much. So this is the last chapter (again) and i wanted to say there was a huge time jump in the story, because today, Mae is 24. yep, i meant a huge time jump. last time you read the story, mae was about 2-3, right? yea well, mae was their only kid. brooklyn wasnt able to have anymore babies. anyways on with the story. i also want to add that this story does contain a trigger warning for suicide. if you are too young or if this triggers you then please to not read this alternate ending. i gave you the only warning i am giving so if you choose to read further, i am no longer responsible for your triggers. thank you for reading this book and showing so much love on it. 

Brooklyn looked at herself in the mirror one more time, fixing her lipstick. 
"Mom, do you know where my wedding shoes are?" she looked away from the mirror and did a double take on her daughter. She was getting married today. the little girl we once knew, is getting married. today. in 5 minutes. 

"oh Mae honey you look so perfect" Brooklyn started to tear up at the sight of her daughter on her big day. reminded her of the day she married Grayson. to this day, the best day of her life, aside from maes birth. she touched her daughters cheeks with both hands. So proud of her. 

"thanks Mom" she reached up and put her hands on hers. something them two used to do when she was a kid. so this was a very emotional moment for Brooklyn. and Mae. 

Ethans daughter comes into the room suddenly "alright, everyone who isnt walking down the aisle needs to be outside and seated in the next 2 minutes. its happening guys, get ready" she smiled when she saw us both "hi Auntie Brooklyn" Hannah was the maid of honor, her job was to make sure everything went perfectly. or so thats what she says her job is. Brooklyn gave her daughter a kiss before going outside to the ceremony. Sitting down, There was an empty seat next to her. 

A few minutes pass, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen are walking down the aisle. Then its her turn. 

She was like pure bliss. The sun beamed down on her face and her makeups shine sparkled on her face in the light. Her dress showed all her curves. She was a work of art. 

Ethan. he looks just like he always has. brown hair, with spots of grey hair. his eyes a beautiful honey color. his tux was purple, his favorite color. He walked her down the aisle. 

He finally kisses his nieces cheek and soon makes his way to beside brooklyn. She smiled and hugged him when he sat down. 

"Grayson would have loved to be here" Ethan said wiping his tears. 

Brooklyns eyes started to sting. She touched his shoulder and gave him a soft smile. "he is" She looked at him and they made eye contact. Attention was snapped back towards to wedding that was about to start. 

"Baby, im so happy for you" Brooklyn said running towards her newly wed daughter. She cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead "I love you both" She said while looking over at her son-in-law going around and talking to his family. 

Ethan smiled "i wish your dad could have been here" he took her hand "i have something for you" he reached into his pocket and handed her an envelope. Mae took it, looking at her uncle before ripping it open 

my beautiful little girl Mae. I cant believe you are married now. im so sorry i couldn't have been there. but i was there in spirit. i remember when you used to play house with mommy and me and we would play fake weddings and every time i cried, i imagined you on your real wedding day with a nice boy who could treat you the way you deserved. I know this boy loves you the same way i loved mommy. and thats real. it still is, even if im no longer here. i died with the pleasure of being your father and being the first man in your life besides your uncle, which who i asked, to walk you down the aisle today. i hope you accepted his request, it would have meant the world if you did. I'm thinking of all of you up here in the good place. i watch over all of you everyday. i hope you achieve all of your dreams mae and can one day start your own family. one you can love just as much as i loved mine. and have a reason to, wake up in the morning. come home and see after a long day at work. think of whenever you see something. or eat something. and just thank, for being the reason why you are, who you are. 

i love you, and dont you dare let anyone stop you from singing. when you get big (which you will) i will be in the very front row, cheering you on. 

mae looked up from the letter, tear drops soaking through the page. "oh god" her voice breaking from choking on her tears. 

brooklyn and ethan looked at the note together, while ethans daughter comforted mae. 

after the wedding, and the crying. everyone went home. brooklyn went home to her quiet house. mae was too old to be living with her parents. Brooklyn hasnt had any other boyfriends or flings since grayson died. On January 19th. he came home from work one day after a morning of arguing with brooklyn, and while brooklyn was picking mae up from school...he took his own life. no one really knew why, what happened at work that day that was so bad he couldnt talk about it with his wife. brooklyn sometimes lays awake at night thinking if this was her fault in any way. or if she could have done anything to stop it. Today she decided to try and talk to him 

"uh grayson? i dont know if you can hear me, but uhm. i just wanted to let you know that i read your letter today, the one you wrote for mae on her wedding day? that one. i wanted to thank you. for everything you ever did for me. you were the one who truly knew who i was, when i didnt even know. you were the one i could count on for anything. pick up the kids? graysons got it, make dinner after long day at office? graysons got it. you did everything for me and i thank you. truly from the bottom of my heart. i kept our promise of forever and havent been with anyone since you uh you know. its so hard to get over things when you're by yourself. i have no one to talk about this with but you and you arent here so. There used to be days that I thought I was okay, or at least that I was going to be. We'd be hanging out somewhere and everything would just fit right and I would think 'it will be okay if it can just be like this forever' but of course nothing can ever stay just how it is forever. you had to leave. you took your pain and you put it on your family. on me. you could have talked to me about it and i would have been able to help you. i am your wife, its what we are supposed to do for each other. And I want to tell you about everything but I can't because I couldn't stand for you to have that look on your pictures all the time and want to just break down and cry that. You ought to know, you were my best friend. You were. I know you loved me. I loved you. No one should have gone through what we went through, but we did. And it kills me to think of it. But you didnt love me like I loved you. and i dont hate you for it, it just makes me scared. Scared that i'll never get over you, no matter how hard i try. i dont want to forget you. you were my everything. but i guess we werent enough for you to stay. you took your own life and i will never forgive you for that. but it doesnt mean i still dont love you. after today, i wont be reaching out anymore. im going to attempt to move on. good bye grayson" 

when she got off her bed, to put her sleep wear on, something fell from the nightstand. i was a picture of grayson and brooklyn that she always had on her bedside. even when they were together. 

a tear slipped from her cheek and she wiped it quickly, picking it back up to look at it. there was a crack on the glass, enough to cover all of graysons face. she put it on her nightstand again, pulling the covers over her body and trying her best to fall asleep in a house she had by herself for the first night ever. 

                                              the end.

word count: 1588 :)

im also writing another book about jj maybanks from outerbanks if you want to check that out too, theres a few chapters out already :)

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