11- Camping Engagment

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Grayson's POV

I really want the engagement to be special. But I didn't have any ideas. I thinking of asking her to go on a camping trip with me. On the last day of camp we'll stargaze and then Brooklyn will want to go to bed because she can't even stay up past midnight I wish I could do that but I usually can't sleep at all because I don't want miss out on anything.  Anyways I'd go to bed with her and then wake early and tie the ring the tent and went we put it down I'll
Have her go on the side I put ring on then when she notices it I kneel down quickly and then do the whole shabang.

Wow I have a wild imagination.

--next day--

I wake in my moms house and I look at the time and ten am. Dang it I slept in.

I get up and quickly go to the kitchen where my mom is.

"Hey mom. Can you take me to my house?" I quickly say.


We walk out the door immediately and we go straight to the house. I thank my mom and go to my room.

I walk in to see a sleeping Brooklyn.

"Brooke! Get up!!!" I jump on the bed like a five year old.

"Whyyyy??" She whines.

"Get up to lazy chicken nugget."

"Fine, but only if I get chicken nuggets now that you mention it."

"Okay. After we go somewhere special."

"Wait what?" She sits up.

"We are going camping. Pack your stuff right now." She pops out of bed and starts packing right away.

I start as well.

--40 minutes later--

We're finally done and the only this left is find the camp stuff and shopping. All I know is that our parents  own a huge storage unit and there's is camping stuff right by the door. So we drive to the the storage unit and open the door and grab the camping stuff that was right at the door. We put everything in the car and go back to the house to get our bags.

When we got to the house Grayson got my bag for me and then. We left the house and we went to the store. We bought food for the next five days and left.

We started going to toward the woods.

I look at Brooklyn when we inter the woods and her face looks so happy.

I smile. We go off roading for like an hour to find the perfect camping spot.

It was big and had space, not only the space but it had a river right by it.

Brooke immediately gets out and starts looking around.

The glow in her face was perfect. It made me happy. 

"Grayson! It smells amazing here! I love it. I love camping."

"Great. Seeing you happy makes me happy. Ready to unpack?" Gray says.

"Yes!" She squeals.

The first thing she gets out the tent. It's a fairly big tent. We set up the tent and once we have it up its up.

(I'm just going to skip the unloading part bc I feel like it's too boring)

It's only like 3:45pm.

We hadn't started a fire yet.
So I started a fire.

"Gray. Why'd you bring me here?" Brooke asked.

"Why do you ask?" I smile.

"Well, it was unexpected so..."

"Well I mean to do something with you alone. And no cell phone reception, nominee can bother us."

"Oh I see."

"Yea. Sorry it was sort of a surprise."

"I love it thank you!!" She jumped up and kissed me.

--three hours later--

It's six so we start dinner. It was hot dog. We got our sticks and roasted our food on the fire.

A few days later (last day)

I was waking up to dew on the grass and the tent. It was cold.

I get up anyway. Build a fire.

Brooke is still asleep.

I quickly tie the ring to the tent and sit back down and act like nothing happens. There's another hour of silence and I hear Brooke.



"It's chilly."

"Ik baby it will warm up."

She gets out and sits by me.

"How was your night?" I asked.

"It was peaceful. Too bad this is our last day." I could tell me was enjoying the peace.

We start packing up after breakfast. We've packed mostly everything.

The only thing left was the tent.

Luckily Brooke starts on the side with ring.

I put one side down and I look up to see a Brooke with a hand over her mouth and I run over and get down on one knee.

"I know that your world got turned up side down but I promise you it will get better. Even though we are young we are going make the best of it. So Brooke Dolono will you marry me?"

"Omg. Yes!! Yes." She starts crying and I untie the ring and place it on her finger.

She's speechless. She pulls me into a tight hug and we stand there hugging each other. She still crying and I'm a happy man.

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now