Two- I love you???

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Brooklyn's pov

We get there and my stomach flips..


"What wrong?" My mom says.

"Nothing mom."

My dad was at work and my mother was with me and I was still irritated with her.

We get up to the door. My mom knocks and Lisa answers. Grayson's mom.

"Hey Lisa."

"Hey Malery."

"Come in. Come in."

"Thank you." We walk in and we sit on their couch.

"Okay I'm going to get Gray I will be right back."

"What about Ethan?" My mom asks.

"He isn't feeling well."

She continued up stairs and my mother tries to start conversation.

"No. Just no."

We stayed silent until Lisa got back.

"Alright Gray and Brooke mingle for a bit. Mal and I will be out in th back."

"Ok whatever." We both say.

"Watch the attitude." My Mon says.

Our parents walk out. And the. There were two...

"So?" Grayson says.

"What? What could possibly be going through your head right now Gray?"

Grayson's pov

Woah she called me Gray. Brooke never knew this but I hated her but at the same time I had a crush on her, but I never wanted to admit it.

"Umm a lot. My parents... going crazy. I am young... just got done with high school.... haven't even went to college and they want us to marry. I mean how long have they been planning this?" I start panicking.

"Grayson. Our parent are never going to back outta this so what do we do?"

I look right at her for the first time "Get along."

"Ha... funny one Gray."

"No I'm serious!" I raise my voice. "I'm sorry but we just have to."

"Well that won't be easy." She started..

"We'll get through it!"

"Right. Ok. So what do they expect?"


Suddenly our moms walk in.

"So how's it going."

"Ok.." I say...


"So we know for sure... Hug each other and say love you to eachother."

"Mom you're crazy!" I start saying walking away and shaking my head..

"Grayson Bailey Dolan!"



Brooke stands up and hugs me just so they shut up.

We walk away and quickly say I love you. Brooke ran out the door and gets in the car.

Hey!! So I know this is a short chapter but I will make a long chapter tomorrow# 😘😘😘

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now