14- I'll Get You Back in the Future

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Brooke's POV

I woke up in Grayson's arms. I grab my phone. It's 10 am. I knew I was tired but not that tired to sleep 16 hours. I slowly get up and check the texted messages from mom.

Mom- Hey he's awake received  at 8 am
Mom- Hey Brooklyn. Call me. Received at 8:30
Mom- Brooklyn are you okay you're not answering me. Received at 9am
Mom- call me

I called her after that.

M- Hello?
B- Hi mom.
M- What have you been doing!?
B- sleeping, I over slept.
M- no wonder.
B- how's dad.
M- He's awake and well.
B- I'm on my way.
M- baby stay home. I don't think it's good for you to see you father like this.
B- mom it's fine.
M- no stay please.
B- ok.

I hung up.

"Hey are we gonna go?"
"What why?"
"Mom want me to stay:"

Grayson just pulled me into a hug.

-2 hours-

It was lunch time I was hungry.

Grayson's POV

I took Brooke out to lunch to get her mind off of things.

We ate at Olive Garden.

Then went home.

"Hey. My moms called and she said my dad is going home today and he's ok." She smiled widely.
"Okay. Good."
"So. We have like few weeks."
"Yea. Do you know where you want to go for our honeymoon?"
"I was hoping somewhere with no cellphone reception."
"What about Hawaii?"
"That has reception. But it works. "
"Okay that's where we'll go."

3hours later - Brooke's POV
Gray and I had two weeks until I'd become Brooklyn Dolan.

It's crazy to think about.

It was only three and we didn't have anything planned.

"Grayson. We should go swimming or surfing!"

"What makes you want to do that." He giggles.

"Idk I just feel like it. Please?!!" I beg.
"Okay. Okay I'll grab my keys and we'll go. "
Grayson went upstairs with me and we put our swim suits on.

Then we left.

We got to the place and the instructor gave out surfing suit to put on. And let me tell you I looked amazing.

The instructor told us a few thing and sent us on our way.

Grayson kept falling in water.

"What are you laughing at smart one." Grayson stated get irritated that I was laughing.

"Haha you of chores." I was laughing.

"Oh yea you want to see something funny?" Grayson started swimming toward me.

"No Grayson! No!" I tried swimming away but he got to me.

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang