26.5- Tell Me All About It

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Brooke's POV
Next day
I woke up with sharp pains in my stomach. I didn't think much of it... I just held my stomach but another sharp pain hit me harder so I screamed.

"What?! What's wrong Brooklyn ARE YOU OKAY?!" Grayson yells.
I look down and there is blood...

"GRAYSON THERES BLOOD!!" He looks down between my legs and there a huge puddle of blood.
From there everything went totally black.

I gasped for air and sat up really fast, and screamed.

Grayson wasn't in the bed and quickly looks at my stomach and nothing had happened. Baby was in my stomach and everything's was okay. I breathed so heavy and Grayson and Lauren and Ethan ran into my room..

"What's wrong?! What happened!!" Lauren freaks out.

"Nothing.... I'm fine." I start to cry. It was a dream...

Lauren and Ethan leave and Grayson walks toward me.

"What happened??"

"I had a nightmare. Like really fucking bad."

"Tell me about it?" Grayson says.

"Sure.... I was... I asleep and it felt so real... it scared me... I woke up and I... I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.. I looked down at there was a puddle of blood.." I cried, "I felt real Grayson," I just ball my eyes out.

"Shhh, it's okay... the baby still here..." Grayson lays his hands down on my stomach and comforts me.

I wipe my tears and get up. I get dressed and Grayson comes up to me. "Everything's  going be okay nothing's gonna happen to our baby." He lightly hugs me.

I just nod.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't feel like going anywhere today."

"Movie day?" Grayson asked.

"Yea!" I patted the empty spot on the couch.



"I love you." I smile.

--5.5 months--

Ugh. Today we get to know the sex of our baby.

Grayson still thinks it's going to be a baby girl... I highly doubt it.. Ik it's going to be a boy.

Grayson and I are so ready to know the sex.

Lauren and Ethan came with us and now we just wait.

Grayson is filling out paper work.

We were in the waiting room for 2 hours and finally we go in.

"Hey Brooke!" The doctor says as I see on the bed thing.

"How have you been?" Dr. Reynolds asked.

"Well my feet hurt and my back, and I can be moody sometimes."

"Yes, you are indeed pregnant so yes those things will happen."

"Ok." I reply awkwardly.

The doctor did all the check up procedures.

"Ok. So do you guys want to hear the hear beat?"

"Yes!" Grayson jumps.

He flips a switch. It's the most beautiful thing ever.

"Would you guys like the gender?"
Grayson's POV
"No, no, no!" Brooklyn says.

"I'll go get Lauren and Ethan you'll tell them. We're planning on a gender reveal." The doctor just nods.

I go get Lauren and Ethan.

I help Brooke off the bed and we leave.


Okay so I'll try to post more frequently but there aren't any promises.

-what do you think the gender is??"

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