17- Writing Vows

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Brooklyn's POV

I showed cam her dress.

She jumped up and down and squealed.

"It's beautiful!"
"I'm glad."

It like 8:30 so I get the shower cuz we have rehearsal in about an hour and and a half.

After my shower I do my makeup and then I get in a nice dress for rehearsal.

It's about nine thirty when we get out the door.

It takes us about thirty minutes to drive to the venue.

We get there.

It's about 9:55.

"Let get ready for rehearsal." Says Grayson's mom.

"Alright so first we're going to have Grayson's little cousin throw flowers, then we'll have Grayson other cousin bring the rings up after the vows. You two have your vows written right?"
"Umm... no." I say.

"We'll get them done tonight mom." Grayson says.

We start the rehearsal, we have to do it another ten times before we can go home.

We all get home and fall in the couch. It was me, Grayson, Ethan, Lauren, and Cameron.

"Ugh. I hope this will be the only time I get married cuz it's exhausting.." I say.

They all laugh.


"Nothing, babe" Grayson says.

"What do you guys want do it's nnoon."  Lauren says.

"Idk.." we all say in unison.

For the rest of the day we just talked about my wedding and watched Netflix.

Grayson's POV
Everyone fell asleep.
I got up got from the couch. I grabbed myself a black ink pen and and piece of paper.

And I started writing my vows to Brooke.

My beautiful Brooklyn, I know we treated (Mainly me) each other poorly in high-school. Little did we know we'd be here today... I'll be calling you mine for the rest of my long life. I be there you all your tears and sicknesses. And make you the happiest person. Welcome to our new life with each other.

I read over it and go put it in my tux.

Then I quietly go sit back where I was.

- an hour later/

Brooke's POV

I woke up. Looked around.

It's only 3:30.

Lauren wakes up when I get up.

"What cha doing?" She says.

"Just about to write my vows."


Everyone was asleep. And I start writing.

Grayson Bailey Dolan, I can definitely say it's been a rough ride... We went to hating each other to loving each other lots. I want to spend my whole life with. After these vows I write for you I will be yours. I love you Grayson!

I still need to go get my bouquet.

Blue and white flower from the store.

"Hey do you want to go to the store with you?" I ask Lauren.


"Ok let's go."

We drive to the store.

"All I need it wide blue and white ribbon and my bouquet."

"Alright. I'll go get the ribbon."

She went find the ribbons and I went to the floral department.

I told the clerk my name and she gave me to flowers I ordered.

After that I met up with Lauren and we bought everything. Then went home.

Everyone was still sleeping. I decided that the brides maids with have blue flowered I'll have white.

Ugh I'm so not ready for this....

I designed the bouquets and then put them in vases. It was time for all the guys to leave because it's a girls night.

"Boys!!" I yell waking them all up. Cam you stay boys leave.


"It's a girls night... I'll see you tomorrow morning baby." I kissed him.

"Okay let me get my stuff."

Grayson and Ethan left 15 minutes later.

The girls and I just basically had a sleepover and we made and bunch of gift bags.

It was midnight when we got done. I went to bed. Since cam didn't have anywhere to sleep we all just slept in the same bed.

The next day---Wedding day

Grayson's POV.

I was so nervous and excited I couldn't sleep. I just finally got up at five. Our wedding was at 2:30 pm. I have about 9 hours.

The next chapter will be the Wedding!!! Get ready.

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now