24- Time to Move on to Better

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Brooke's pov

I didn't sleep much last night. I have decided to put everything behind me.

"Morning." Grayson says as I walk into the living room.

"I am so tired." I tell Grayson and sit on his lap.

"Didn't sleep much last night?" He asks.

"I was throwing up all night and my mom was having nightmares." I groan and lay my head on Grayson's tummy.

"I'm sorry baby."

"Can we go home soon?" I whine.

"Yes babe. Let's just wait until mom gets up."

I just nod and lay there.

Suddenly Grayson puts his hand on my stomach.

"I can't wait." Grayson looks at my stomach.

"Nine months? You can handle it." I giggle.

Grayson's pov

I wish I could help out more with Brooke's sickness, she hasn't sleep well.

"We can't go! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Brooke gets up

"What?" I look at her

"Two words: Doctor Appointment!" She yells.

"What time do we need to be there?" I asked

"Like at 7:50 am! We're so late! It's ten!" She starts freaking out.

"Babe it's okay let's go."

I quickly get ready.

"Babe it's okay." I say as we get into the car.

-skip the car ride-

We get there and Brooke starts the run inside, so run with her. She goes to the front desk lady. "Scheduled appointment for Brooke Dolton (I changed her last name).

The front desk lady says," yes, Dr. Kale is waiting just go three floors up and to the right it will be the 4th door to your left. "

"Thanks you!" The receptionist looks up. Brooke starts running again.

"Brooklyn, stop running!" I yell but she keeps going.

"Brooke!" I trying shouting one more time and she stops at the elevator.

"Stop Running babe." I tell her.

We went three floors up and four doors to our left.

She finally slows the hell down and I catch up to her.

We walk in causally.

We are greeted by a female doctor.

"Hello, Brooklyn is it? And..."

"Grayson," I reply.

"Nice to meet you Grayson. I'm amusing your the father?"

"Yea." I laugh.

"Okay so let's get started... we're going to start by you laying down in the bed."

"Okay?" Brooke lays on the bed and the doctor put some type of weird gel on her stomach. Then smeared it with a monitoring thing...

"So the baby will be on the monitor here in a second."

We looked at the screen and all I saw was a tiny little dot...

"So here you baby, the little dot in the middle. Now would you like a first picture of your baby?"

"Yes!" I speak for Brooke because she's being emotional...

The doctor comes back a few minutes later with two picture in your hand.

"Have a safe drive and I'll see you guys in week." The doctor says. We walk out and she jumps off the bed and hugs me.

"I'm so excited but scared." She says.

"No need to be scared I'm here to support you." I simply say.

Brooke's pov

I'm so glad that I can trust Grayson .

We went back home and I took a long hot bath.


Yes I know!! You guys probably hate me I have not excuse..... it's been finals week like study for the pass two weeks! Ily guys!!! Also ADD ME IN SNAPCHAT!!! @kay_cella

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