Six- Please Don't Leave.

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Grayson's pov

"It's ok." I say.

We didn't have dishes yet. But I bought paper plates and bowls. And the place came with a microwave. I got the hot soup out of the microwave. I walked up stairs to Brooklyn and gave her the soup.

"Eat up. Sick one." I say. She still laying down staring at the wall. At eventually sits up.

"I'm not hungry." She says looking at me....
"I know but you need to eat please."
"Fine." She slowly ate the soup and while she was eating I unpacked. I came across a picture of Ethan and I as little boys. I made sure to put that somewhere where I could find it..

I look over at Brooklyn and she's asleep again I get up and see that she didn't eat that much. I got the bowl and put it in the trash bag.

Since it was getting late I decided to fall asleep on the floor in our new room.

***skip to a few hours forward.***

"Gray." Brooklyn says.


"Get the hell up here!" I get up and go to my side of the bed.

"I'm so tired." She says.

"You've been sleeping for hours." I drop my jaw at her comment.

She fell asleep in my arms.

Morning time

I woke up and Brooke was still in my arms.

"Good morning." I say to her

"Feelin better?"

"Mhm." She replied.


Brooklyn's pov

We get up and I'm feeling better. All day we will be unpacking and then later we'll talk about the future.

Hours later I'm still unpacking. I only have a few boxes left. Grayson already had all his boxes unpacked. He packed my last four.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem."

We relaxed after unpacking I needed a shower.

"Im going to take a shower." I say telling Grayson.

I go to our room and get my PJ's out and ready, and I grab a towel. I strip of clothing and wrapped my towel around my body and head to the bathroom. I start the water and get in. Usually when I'm in the shower I think A LOT.

I start thinking about my future. I got kinda scare at the thought of the wedding and how Grayson is actually thinking about all this. I think does actually want anything to do with me and he's probably just sorry for me... Maybe I'm over thinking it...

I've been in the shower for quite some time and I decide to get out. I wrapped my body in the towel again. I walk out and go to our room. I put my bra and underwear on and Grayson walks in.

"Hey so what do... And you're getting dressed I'm so sorry I'm leaving now." He walks straight out.

I process what just happened and just thought of nothing of it. I put one of my over sized shirts and walked out. Yea that's right no pants.

I sit on our couch.

Grayson looks over at me.

"Um. Brooke are you forgetting something?"


"Oh okay..."

Grayson's pov

I accidentally walked in on Brooklyn while she's getting dressed.

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now