32. The Package

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"Ethan, Gray, please welcome the new addition to the family, Mae. Our baby girl. " i said crying with tears of joy.
After a couple days of being in the hospital i was supposed to leave. I put Mae in the backseat of her little carseat and gray drove off. We got to the house and gray ran inside with Ethan while I grabbed the baby. She started crying and I ran inside with her and asked Grayson to take care of her while I took a nap bc giving birth to a baby is hard work. While I was sleeping I woke up to the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it!" Ethan yelled.
"Well I wasn't!" I yelled sleepily.
"Brooklyn it's for you!"
"BOOOOOOOO NO FAIR" I yelled getting up. Ugh. I hate my life sometimes.
" I'm coming" I put on my over sized stranger things shirt and I walk down stairs in just my shirt and underwear. I walk to the door and the post man looks me up and down and smiles and I slap him I walk away and grab Grayson.
"See him. Ya H-U-S-B-A-N-D" I said slapping him again because the first one was fun.
"What is this anyways?" Grayson and Ethan shrug
" I don't know" gray shrugs
" oh only backstage passes to Coachella!" Ethan spills
"ETHAN!" (Can anyone else hear gray yelling that? No just me? K.) Grayson says slapping his brother in the chest
"Ow bro, I couldn't keep it in anymore. I needed to tell her"
"COACHELLA WTFFFFFF GRAYSON FUCKING DOLAN!!!!" Brooklyn yelled as she hugged gray and Ethan.
" surprise" Grayson shrugs
A/N if you guys have some ideas for what should happen next just message me(question mark)
Word count: 294 words

Arranged Marriage ~ G.B.D [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now