Chapter 25 - Ending The Vicious Circle

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"Katniss!", I called out her name as her team gathered around her to make her look presentable for her final act as the mockingjay, the face of the rebellion. The people did not let me through.

Katniss could not do anything either. It was not like we had recovered enough to fight our way through the crowd either. So I simply shouted: "I'm sorry, Katniss! If I had been a bit faster ... She has been right in front of me and yet ..." 

"I know", she interrupted me. "We'll stop it today! Trust me!"

A few hours later I was standing next to Johanna and Finnick waiting for Snow's execution. Besides Katniss the other victors were the ones standing closest to Snow, though the whole place was as crowded as possible. 

Snow was chained to a stake. But considering all the people around him, who wanted to see him dead, he could not run anywhere anyway. He did not look like he would plan to escape either. Instead of appearing to feel regret or fear, he looked amused. His signature, provocative smile was plastered on his face. The one he had always worn, when he had pressured and threatened me. 

But to my own surprise I did not feel any rage or hate. I did not feel satisfaction either. The man who had killed my little sister was standing right in front of me to get executed any minute. Was I not supposed to feel anything significant? 

Suddenly I realized why I was feeling so strange as I stared at President Coin standing above Snow on the balcony. Katniss had promised me to end this vicious circle, but it would not end if she killed Snow. Was she aware of it? 

She was. A huge gasp resounded in the crowd as Katniss' arrow hit Coin instead of Snow, killing her instantly. Snow's laughter overshadowed the whole area, despite the unsettled screams of the crowd.

Katniss tried taking her nightlock pill, but Peeta stopped her. She was carried away by guards resisting fruitlessly with all her remaining strength. 

Before I could process the situation properly, Finnick pulled me away. His other hand was holding Annie's. Out of reflex I took Johanna's hand and dragged her with us as well. I did not question Finnick's behavior. He had a reason I did not need to understand immediately. After everything we had gotten used to help and save each other. And a few seconds later I realized what he had done as the crowd flooded the place where we had stood. They were killing Snow. Two birds with one stone. 

Panem would erupt in chaos now. But I wanted to believe that it could not get any worse anyway, though I had learned during the last years that it could always get worse. But the imagination of having used up all my bad luck, was comforting. We fled into a nearby building that appeared safe enough not to break and bury us alive.

"Now everyone is going crazy. Welcome to our life", Johanna mumbled sarcastically. 

"I can't believe she killed Coin. Although ... Katniss' actions shouldn't surprise us anymore", Finnick stated.

"She told me that she would end the vicious circle. That's why she voted for the Capitol Hunger Games. To make Coin feel safe. She got careless standing right in front of Katniss during the execution", I declared. 

"That's why you agreed? You knew that?", Annie wondered. 

I shook my head. "I trusted her and my intuition. And the love of an elder sister. I wonder what will happen to her now. After all the rebels will be furious. Katniss killed their leader."

Johanna burst out laughing. "From role model to enemy. Those people are influenced so easily." 

"They don't know what it's like to be behind the scenes. They only see what we show them", Annie added.

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