Street fight

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"Morgan Cena, is pathetic, I mean she claims to be this amazing wrestler, but is she-" My theme cuts Seth off from his little rant and I make my way to the ring, where he stands with J&J Security. I climb in and grab a mic.

"Seth sweetie, please don't get your little girl nickers in a twist because you a worthless excuse for a man and I have a bigger set of balls then you." The crowd cheers and Seth starts going red. "I mean Seth, I will praise you on being the new WWE World Heavyweight champion, but the question is, how long will you be able to hold on to that title?" 

"I will hold this title, forever Morgan-" I enterupt him, "Yeah and you know who else said that AJ Lee, and Brock Lesner and Triple H and Randy Orton and Edge and so many other wrestlers, there are to many to name, and you know what happened, they all lost their title, ending their so called forever title reign, and they are some of the best this industry has ever seen." People cheer again and I continue.

"With that being said, I am here to tell you, you will be facing me at Extreme Rules, for that WWE World Heavyweight championship, but it gets better Seth, because the stipulation for our Extreme Rules match, is a street fight." 

The crowd screem louder and I hear JBL, Jerry and Cole on commentary.

"Wow did you hear that, a street fight!" Jerry exclaims happily, "This is not good for Seth, Morgan Cena has been titled as the queen of street fights, she has never lost a street fight in her career!" Cole yells, "And she has been in many street fghts." JBL states, "One of Morgan's most Iconic street fights, was against a man named James Storm back in 2010, where she would beat Storm by putting him through 4 tables, which led to him being carried out on a stretcher." Cole informs people.

Seth and J&J Security are screaming and I leave the ring. "Guess I'll see you bitches at Extreme Rules!" I say and walk backstage.

Thank you so much over 7K reads, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time :)

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