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I have been out for a month now, it has been confirmed I can officially RETURN to wrestling in 5 months which I am very happy about. My fans have been so loving wishing me better and sending me gifts to help me with my recovery, so because I can't wrestle I am going to be promoting 2K15 and also helping raise awarness for breast cancer, also I am going to be granting 5 more Make A Wishes, that will make it my 350th Make A Wish, which is truely amazing.

As for my health for 3 weeks I have been rehabing, which isn't so fun cause I don't have people cheering me on, well except the nurses but their not exactly loud and full of life like the croweds are in WWE, boy I miss it. Dad told me a lot has happened since I have been gone,

1: Ratings have gone down, 2: Him and Nikki are not seeing eye to eye, 3: Kane and Randy Orton have been bring the place down hill, 4: Hilary has gone to the dark side and betrayed everyone (I had fun rubbing that in his face) and last but not least He is facing Brock Lesner again. That sounds like a lot of fun, while I'm her in this stupid hospital, having my limbs being pulled from every angle I didn't think possible. I will admit though I am a lot more flexible. 

Also since I have been gone I have been kinda lonely, so I took it apon myself and I would like to introduce Max, my new German Shepard puppy, boy I love him, I also brought a tour bus, so when I go back to work, Max can come with me. He is sure motivating me to get better, he is keeping me fit by walking, we walk through the park for 30 minutes a day and it has really helped me stay in shape till I can return to weights and stretching in the gym.

Vince often calls asking how I am, and I always tell him the same thing, "I feel great." But I think he can tell I'm lying, the truth is, I don't feel great, I'm still in pain, even though my neck feels so much better and I am just plain bored. There is nothing to do, I mean sure I can do press confrences and stuff but, that is different compared to wrestling in the ring, I've had serious injuries before, but not as serious as this one.

I hope this recovery goes quickly

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