Morgan and John VS Brock and Paul

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I am out in the ring holding the divas championship. "Good evening, Houston, Texas, my name is Morgan Cena and I am your NEW WWE DIVAS CHAMPION!" I yell and everyone screams and claps. I went to continue when I heard someone talking.

"Excuse me everyone, my name is Paul Heyman. As of last night your daddy John Cena, beat my client Brock Lesner, now Brock isn't happy with that." I cut him off, "And your point is Paul?" He smiles, "I want you to convince your father, to surrender the title to Brock Lesner!" I start laughing, "Paul, do you know how ridiculous you sound!" I yell, "I will NOT ask my father to surrender the title to your client, just because he's scared he will be humiliated again!" 

Then Brock's theme went off and he came out and I just stood there holding my ground, if he want's to fight, we'll fight, I don't back down. He came down to the ring and I dropped my title and got ready to defend myself when my dad's theme went off and he came running down to the ring and stood next to me.

"Back off Brock, if you want a rematch, you'll get one, but don't involve my daughter!" Dad yelled, but Brock kept walking down to the ring, I had an idea and got out of the ring and walked to Paul and grabbed him by the hair. "Brock, walk away or I break his fat little neck!" I yell, and Brock looked at me and started walking up the ramp towards me. As he got closer, I DDT'd Paul on the stage and Brock was shocked, the dad attacked him from behind.

"I told you Paul, us Cena's don't give up!" I yell and slam the mic down and walk backstage with dad, we say our byes and walk separate ways, when I run into Seth Rollins.

"Awe hi Seth, how does it feel knowing that your no longer plan B?" I say laughing and he slaps me, so I start attacking him and security and officials break it up. "Morgan you bitch, you will pay for this!" He yells, "Oh really, let's see you try!" I yell back and shake security off me and walk the opposite way.

Well this is looking like a WONDERFUL day, not!

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