Morgan VS The Authority

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I was walking backstage when all of the sudden I felt something hard on my back and I went flying forward. I managed to look up and see Kane and Randy Orton standing there and then they started repetedly punching me. I managed to get up and started fighting back.

Soon after officals came with sercurity and pulled the three of us apart, Randy was bleeding from the mouth, Kane from the nose and me from my mouth after Kane busted my lip. "You assholes!" I got out of the grip of sercurity and flung myself at them and we all started fighting again.

It took officals and sercurity 10 minutes to pull us apart and then they took me back to the locker rooms. I was beyond pissed, Triple H and Stephanie are behind this, they just made a big mistake. It was my time to go out and give them their reviews.

I walked out and got into the ring, "Triple H, Stephanie McMahon it's time for your reviews, so get out here!" I yelled into the mic. Hunter's music hit and he came out with Stephanie and they got into the ring.

"I'm just gonna get to the point, I think everybody saw what happened with Randy, Kane and I backstage only minutes ago, and I think it is obvious who orchestrated that plan and why." I say angrily, "You two have some balls don't you, to hire people to take out the person, who has your jobs in the palm of her hands, tell me was your plan to scare me or take me out because if it was either of them two, it didn't really work?" 

"Morgan what makes you think it was us?" Stephanie asked, I just laughed, "Does it happen to be a coincidence that it was your little puppets who happened to attack me on the night of your review and the night you just happen to be here, oh and let's not forget your PLAN B, how's that workin out for ya?" 

"Plan B is making progress." Triple H said, "Oh really because you might want to kiss goodbye to plan B and plan C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y AND Z BECAUSE I HAVE MARKED YOU AS UNFIT TO RUN THIS COMPANY!!" I yell

"Wow Morgan actually did it she has ended Triple H and Stephanie's reign of torture!!!" Michael Cole yelled, "That a girl Morgan!!!" Jerry yelled, "She can't do that!!" JBL screamed 

The crowed were cheering so loud, I think my eardrum burst.


The superstars were standing at the top of the stage clapping and cheering while sercurity escorted a humiliated Triple H and Stephanie out of the building.

"ENJOY THE REST OF THE NIGHT AND BE SAFE!" I yell to the audiance and walk backstage as the show continues.

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