Surprise, Surprise

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"My name is Paul Heyman and I would publicly like to send my wishes to a recovering Morgan Cena, who bless her little heart is stuck in bed resting her poor broken neck." The crowed start booing, but he continues on, "Thanks to Kane, he has taken out probably the best female wrestler in the world forever, which would be such a good thing, because now, that little bitch can't interfer when Brock Lesner, takes that championship away from her loving daddy John Cena."

Brock Lesner's theme hits and he walks out. "Morgan, how are you sweetie, you feeling better?" Brock says to the camera, "Because since you've been gone, great things have been happening, 1: You've been gone, 2: You've been gone and 3: You've been gone." Then the unexpected happened.

My theme hit and I walked out and the crowed errupted, I stood at the top of the stage and sighed. "Well, that was very sweet of you boys it really was, and I feel much better thank you for asking, sorry you look a little surprised to see me." I say and the crowed cheers. "Surprise, Surprise, I'm back bitches." I say smiling. "That's impossible, you are meant to be out for another 3 months!" Paul yells, "Yeah your right Paul I am, but I had a check up with my doctor the other day and he is so impressed with my recovery, I'm now medically cleared to compete again."

The crowed cheered even louder. Then Hilary's theme hit and she walked out onto the stage and stood next to me. "Morgan, it's lovely to see you again how are you feeling?" She asks pretending to be concerned, "Oh I'm fine Helena, now it's Hilary sorry, but I do have a question, I haven't been here a while so I just need a quick fill in." I say, "Of course." She says, "What in gods name is wrong with this place?" I ask

"Excuse me?" She asks, "What have you done to this place?" I ask, "There is -10 wrestlers backstage, there is hardly any divas on the show anymore and all the time it's seems it's just you and the most unimportant people rambling on about how 'amazing' you guys are, tell me is that your way of running a good show, you've lost over 1 million viewers, there was at least 100 tickets still left to be sold this morning, the company had to lower the price just to sell them!"

"That always happens." She says, "Not with WWE it doesn't, there hasen't been over 100 tickets unsold on the day of the show ever!" I yell, "Face it Hailey-Hilary what ever your name is, you are running this company into the ground, and if Vince doesn't fire you, you will have no wrestlers left and I will call the man up myself, he's like a grandfather to me and tell him what a waste of space you are." 

My theme hit and I dropped the microphone and smiled at Brock and Paul before smiling at what ever her name is and walked backstage.

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