Attack and New Storyline

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I have been divas champion for 3 months now and I have defended my championship 15 times since then.

Vince still hasn't found anyone to replace Triple H and Stephanie, I'm hopping they bring back Santino and he can be general manager since he can no longer wrestle due to so many neck problems and surgeries.

But that is up to Vince not me. Anyway I am backstage talking to The Uso's when I felt something hard hit against my head.

I look up and see 4 divas hitting and kicking me, I made out it was AJ, Paige, Eva Marie and Summer Rae. Guess they're still mad I keep beating them. I see an opening and take it, by sweeping Eva off her feet sending her straight into Summer, then I start attacking Paige and AJ.

And yet again officials and security come and break it up. Paige is bleeding and AJ is out cold, whilst Summer and Eva fled. By now Natalya and Naomi had come and were checking on me, "I'm fine, thanks guys perfect timing! I say sarcasticly and they both say sorry.

"It doesn't matter, I need to go and speak to Vince." I say and walk off, as I get outside his office I her him talking to someone.

"Welcome to the WWE family!" He exclaims, "Why thank you." It was a woman, maybe she's the new GM, I sure hope not, I still want Santino to run this place. Vince opens the door and jumps when he sees me.

"Morgan, I wasn't expecting you here." He says, "We had a meeting at this time Vince." I say and then its like a lightbulb goes off in his head. "Oh of course, please come in and Hilary meet WWE's top Diva Morgan Cena, Morgan meet Hilary." I nod to her and she nods back, but first looks me up and down then walks away.

"So Morgan, I want to talk to you about a new storyline, but that means you will have to give up the championship." "Why?" He smiles, "It's fair to say, your more experianced and stronger then any of the other divas, so you will wrestle the men."

"Great, so I can give you the title now, make a battle royal, last two divas standing face off for the championship." I say and he smiles, "Brilliant idea Morgan, and the storyline you will be in is the one with your dad, Brock Lesner and Paul Heyman."

"Great thanks, oh and Vince, who was that Helena-" "Hilary." I smile, "Yeah who is she?" He then gets a smirk. "You'll have to find out on Monday." "Come on you know how impatient I am." I whine, "Exactly." I smile, "Oh your good for an old man, but it takes two too tango." I smile and run out and then I hear......


*Sorry about it being deleted don't know what happened, so who do you think this Hilary woman is?*

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