Top Diva

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I have been here for 4 weeks now and I have already earned a divas title shot. I am about to fight Paige tonight, I heard she's good but I'm better. My music hits and I walk out.

"Introducing first from West Newbury, Massachusetts, Morgan Cena!" I walked down to the ring and did my entrance, then Paige's theme hit. "And introducing her challenger, from Norwich, England, she is the divas champion Paige!" 

Paige got in the ring and put her title down. She started skipping round the ring and I just kicked her in the face with my finisher 'The hidden kick' and pinned her, 1.2.3. The bell rang and my music started playing again.

"And the winner of this match by pinfall, Morgan Cena!" The referee raised my hand. I grabbed a mic and everyone went silent.

"Now, everyone is wondering, where am I with this whole observation thing, and quite frankly, I haven't made my decision yet because well, the authority isn't here." Everyone started booing.

"Now I know what your thinking, 'where the hell are they?' That's a good question, but obviously they are to chicken to come out here and listen to one of their employee's tell them their fate, so I'm gonna make it simple for ya, you have 1 week to prove to me that you are worthy of running this company, and that means you need to show up. If you don't, well you can say goodbye to this company." 

"Those are some tough words from Morgan Cena." Says Micheal Cole, "I hope she gives them a bad review, then maybe we can get this company back on track!" Exclaims Jerry Lawler, "Oh shut up you two!" Yells JBL. 

I just walk backstage where I am greeted by my father.

"Hey Morgan." He says, "Hi dad, what do you want?" He looks at me funny, "That was rude." I sigh, "Yeah I'm sorry, just tierd that's all." He nods, "So is it true?" He asks, "Is what true?" "That you were fired from TNA." I just nod and then say "Yeah, my contract was terminated, apparently I am old news now and they needed new faces." 

He just stands there and sighs, "Well you were the top knockout in TNA, and now your the top diva in WWE." I laugh, "Oh I already know." He laughs as well, "Well I'm heading off dad, see ya later."

He hugs me and I leave, I get into my car and drive to the hotel, I switch on the sports news and I'm on there.


"Morgan Cena has definitley been busy since being fired from TNA 4 months ago. She is now wrestling in WWE alongside her father John Cena, and is the top diva already. Vince McMahon apparently recruted Morgan to improve ratings and to observate the work of his daughter Stephanie McMahon and his son in law C.O.O Triple H."

"Morgan is set to take on divas champion Paige in 2 weeks for the divas title, and in a weeks time, is going to be revealing her review on Triple H and Stephanie's work, which will determine whether they remain in charge or end up taking a hike, For more news tune in next week."

I switched off the Television and went to bed.

From TNA to WWE (John Cena's Daughter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें