Going Against the bosses

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My feud with Seth is now over and I have my sights set on somebody else. Triple H. That's right, I won my street fight match and let's say Hunter wasn't overly impressed, so he confronted me about it, which I didn't take to kindly, so I punched him in the face. Now he seriously has it in for me.

"Morgan, get out here now!" Hunter yells and my theme hits and I walk out, everybody erupts in cheers and I walk down to the ring, I grab a microphone and put my hand up for everyone to settle down. "Now Hunter, let's not over react about this, you know better then I do, you win fights, you loose fights, you've lost fights, I've lost fights, you've won fights and I've won fights, and that is the same case with Seth, except, Seth just can't seem to win a fight, by himself." I say and everyone cheers.

"You cheated Morgan!" He yells and I laugh, "God Hunter, you seriously are in denial aren't you, last I checked I was out in the ring with no one in my corner, Seth has J&J security and Jane, no sorry Kane, I keep forgetting he's meant to be this big red monster!" He steps closer, "You better watch, what you say Morgan, I am still your boss." I raise my finger to make a point, "Actually, Vince is my boss, you just tell me where I need to be and who I'm fighting, that wouldn't be the case if you didn't force my dad to reinstate you, after you had Seth almost paralyze Edge, which is sick by the way! Aren't you a dad?! What if that was you, and someone almost paralyzed you, so you wouldn't be able to pick your daughters up anymore and play hide and go seek, and tag with them anymore!"

"DON'T MENTION MY KIDS MORGAN!" Hunter yells, "You know what, my message hasn't seemed to sunk in yet, so why don't I give you a little demonstration." I drop the mic and punch him repeatedly, the I run and hit the ropes and kick him straight in the face. I jump out of the ring and grab cinder blocks and a table and place cinder blocks under the table.

"Oh no, this is what Seth Rollins did to Dean Ambrose, but this is even more extreme!" Michael yells, "I think she's going to use Seth's finisher!" JBL exclaims.

I set up the curb stomp and Seth's them hits and he starts yelling, "Stop Morgan, enough!" Then Stephanie's theme hit and she runs out and speaks into the microphone, "Morgan please don't do this I am begging you!" I press my foot harder on Hunter's neck, "MORGAN PLEASE!" Steph screams. I grab a mic, "OK Steph, I may be over stepping the boundaries just a bit." She smiles and breaths a sigh of relief when I start to release Hunter. But the I put him in a power bomb position and put him straight through the table.


Everyone is cheering and I see Steph in a heap on the ground. "Steph, sweetie, this is what you get, for everything you have done to us, and I promise you, this isn't just going to happen to your husband, this is going to happen to EVERYONE IN THE AUTHORITY! I told you when I came here, authority and I didn't see eye to eye, and quite frankly I never listen to them, has my message been received yet, have I made my point clear?"

I drop the microphone and my theme hits. I look back at Hunter who is being checked by the doctor's and I raise my hands and exit the arena. I am walking backstage when Eden approaches me. "Morgan, we just saw you power bomb Triple H, through a table and onto cinder blocks, are you concerned about what the authority might have in store for you next?" I laugh, "If I was concerned about what they have in sore for me next, that would mean I would have to care and I don't as you can probably guess, with what I just did out there, so if I can do that, you tell me Eden, do you think I'm concerned?" She shakes her head, "No." I smile, "That's your answer then.

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