Chapter XI

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After that awkward dinner with Karina flirting with me for no apparent reason. I quickly left the dining table, grabbed my plate, washed the dishes, and headed back upstairs to my room. Why on Earth did she have to do that...?


For some reason, I have a feeling that Aunt Jennie had something to do with it. She usually teases my cousin like Karina did all the time. Whatever, I get on my computer to play a few game rounds of COD and such. After that, I realized the time was getting really late so I did my night time routine but before I could go to bed I got a phone call from my cousin.

Y/N - normal | Francis - bold

"Hey Y/n."

"Hey, Francis, what is it?"

"I have to inform you about something. It's about Karina's friends."

"What about them?"

"So to start off, they just got discharged from the hospital but the problem is that we don't have any place they can stay."

"Damn, what are we going to do then?"

"We're thinking they could live with you for the time being."

"What th-! Are you joking?!"

"What? You're not okay with this? Come on, dude, we can't think of anyone else that would be willing to take them."


"Okay fine, I'll do it."

"Great! Look out for a van that will drop them off at your house! Thanks alot bye!"


I hung up the phone and deeply sighed because having one girl is enough for me but having three more is another thing. I'm afraid that this will make things really awkward since I'll be the only dude living in this house. Well, Francis had to do the same but I don't know how he had done it before but I guess there's one way to find out.

I went to sleep and just dreamt about weird ass things...


*alarm clock*

I groaned, trying to turn off the annoying alarm clock like I usually do every morning until I heard someone's hand turn it off which made me open my eyes to see Karina with a smile.

"Good morning, Y/N!" She greeted me and I chuckled.

"Good morning, Karina." I replied to her with a sleepy voice before getting up and rubbing my eyes.

"So, any plans for today?" She asked me with curiosity and I remembered last night's phone call with my cousin.

"Oh right, my cousin told me that your friends are staying here." I explained to her and she gasped.

"M-My friends are coming?!" She asked me with an excited tone like a child.

"Yep. They should be arriving any time soon." I answered her before standing on my feet and going to the bathroom to wash up.

She squealed in excitement and quickly left my room which made me laugh. Gosh, she's such a child but a funny one. Anyway, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed in some nice clothes from the closet. I head downstairs to smell Karina cooking.

I descended down the stairs until I reached down to the first story of the house, went toward the kitchen to smell pancakes and bacon. Damn, I didn't know Karina can cook that well but again, I haven't tasted it yet but it still smells really good.

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