Chapter XIV

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After our uniform inspection day was over, we all got dismissed and headed to our perspective classes. I hope Karina and the other girls are safe on their own because Taeyang still goes to this school.

I'm sure that he's going to be looking for her but I can kick his ass as many times as I want if needed to. I called Karina by phone to check on her.

Y/N - Normal | Karina - Bold

"Hey Y/N, what do you need?"

"Just checking up on you, are you and the girls, okay?"

"Don't worry, oppa, we're just fine!"

"Good to hear."

"But be careful because Taeyang is still around here."


"Alright, that's all, bye!"


I hung up the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked to my class, the teacher greets me and I greet her back.

She gave us the assignment and lessons for today, afterward, I just pulled out my laptop and did my work from there. I was just minding my own business until I felt a nudge. I looked up to see a creepy looking student named Steven.

Steven has a reputation to be known to be the school's quiet kid and some of the people here find him very unnerving because of the unsettling vibe he gives out but I decided to be polite to him.

"Do you need something?" I asked him.

"Yeah, if you don't mind, can you tell me your relationship with the new student?" He blankly asked me which I find odd.

"You mean, Karina?" I asked him.

"Is that her name?" He asked me and I nodded.

"If you're asking me about her, she's just a friend." I simply answered him.

"Oh.... uhm. Okay." He replied to me and walked away.

That is one strange kid... Now that he asked about Karina, I should keep a sharp eye on him, just in case he does anything funny to her.

Anyway, I went back on my laptop and finished the assignments the teacher put out on Google Classroom. The bell rang, meaning it was time for second period.

I packed up everything and exited the class. I walk down to the next classroom and I have the same class as the school's queen...

Chou Tzuyu

She's the girl who has everything that a man wants... She's the class president, athlete, good body shape, you name it. Every guy wanted her, however, she rejected them all.

The strange part is that she's eyeing on me most of the time and I've even caught her sometimes but I never do nor say anything about it. I even found love letters from her in the locker room. I assumed it was all just a prank from the bullies and punks here at the school but later on, I would find out it was all true when Tzuyu herself asked me if I had read the letters she left me.

I was shocked beyond belief that it was actually her but I wasn't interested in a relationship so I just rejected her but she still persists on, even to this day.

"Hey Y/N!" The teacher called me over and I walked to his desk.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"The seating chart has changed, from now on, you'll be sitting with Tzuyu. Is that okay with you?" He asked me and I mentally sighed because I have a feeling she has something to do with it but I didn't want to cause any drama so I had to give in.

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