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As you tumble through the dimension to another reality, you find that you were in a sanctum.

The light flickered through with its orange warmth just as it always did in these places.

The floor was marble as usual.

And there was a huge clock on the wall with weird numerals on it.

Yep, definitely a sanctum.

It wasn't much of a surprise to be honest.

The real thing that was a surprise was the fact that Peter 1 and Peter 2 were stood in a now wrecked sanctum looking completely wiped.

A rocket had crash landed into the roof, leaving the place damaged and two broken boys' bodies left on the floor for dead.

Peter 1 had a cut down his face and Peter 2 had a twisted limb and looked as if he couldn't move at all.

They must've had a really bad monster to fight.

Or maybe they'd just had a really bad crash landing into the sanctum.

I mean, it made sense since they were fighting a being somewhere in the universe. It wasn't going to be earth every time.

If you took a guess, you could figure that they fought the monster but when no one came for them, they took a flight to Earth and crash landed in the sanctum of all places which was actually quite lucky for them.

"Wait, are we in Peter 1's universe?" You ask Ned to confirm your theories.

"We weren't meant to be." He answered, "Somethings changed with the spell, I swear I wasn't standing here earlier."

You didn't really have the chance to reply to him since Peter 1 had rushed up to you to give you a hug.

"Thank god you came!" He said desperately , "Peter needs help!"

He paused for a minute, looking at Gwen and Sorcerer Ned.

"Who are these guys?" He asked innocently.

"This is the Gwen I was telling you about." Peter 3 says, looking at his girlfriend in admiration.

"Oh cool, nice to meet you." Peter says, giving her a smile.

"I'm Ned." The sorcerer replied, "I think we met once. You thought I was your friend or something."

"Yeah, yeah nice to meet you man." He says, patting Ned on the back before running to his other friend who was lying on the marble floor.

"Why are you always the one who gets hurt?" You ask, ripping open the first aid kit that had fallen from the rocket.

"Old age." Peter 3 adds, "The joints aren't as good as they used to be."

"Would you just shut up for one second." Peter 2 replies, looking at his broken leg.

It was twisted and cut very badly. It looked almost as if it'd been malled by the creature.

If this got infected, he could die.

You felt awfully bad for the Peter. 

You were no doctor but you were probably the most level headed out of the people there.

You had to save your friend.

A/n: Reading back the story I've realised that the plot line is a bit shit 😬 but the thing is that I really like where the plot line takes the characters if that makes sense like how you've gone to Peter 3's universe (and u will be going other places and meeting other characters but I'm not Tom Holland so I'm not going to spoil it for you ;)) and I thought that was cool so hear me out guys lmao

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