Chapter 1: My life

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Gem's Pov

It was another normal day for me with a little twist. Something felt off as I sat in my place in a room filled with kids. It almost felt like something big was going to happen but I didn't know what.
I made my way to the medium sized window and stared out at the street. The front of the day care was interesting. It was filled with so many colourful decorations created by the rest of the staff and myself. Yes my parents were well to do and there was no need for me to be working at a day care. I heard that too many times even from the one friend I made there.

The street wasn't as busy just a few pedestrians here and there. It was winter and not many like the cold but santa did. Each and every store had a Christmas santa theme. It irked me to know that part of the true value of Christmas was lost but on the other hand I knew I wouldn't be of any help fixing that.

Moving my eyes from the stores I began to spot couple after couple. They all seemed happy as they walked by. They completed each other I could tell. I wondered when I would have that someone in my life but I was stopped by my conscious. Nobody would ever want someone like me I learnt that the hard way. I was after all not loved by my own family how could a stranger possibly love me.

However, I had a few lamps in my life. My grandmother for example. She was one person that loved me and my friend Linnette. I had only Met her some seven months ago but I trusted and loved her and she did the same for me too. And right then she was only a few rooms away. I had received her thrice already today but I was expecting her for a goodnight.

I turned from the window with a tiny smile because I was grateful for them. I looked up at the wall clock and it was almost 6 pm which was my dismissal hour. The kids were still sleeping but I'd have to interrupt their peaceful sleep. Most were kids of rich business men and women who were too busy to care for them. Others came from middle class homes where there parents had to work extra hours just to keep them afloat. I was in the rich kid category. Most of them acted out and I knew why though I never did so when I was younger.

" Gemmy," a little mixed race girl name Carol called from her sleeping bag. She had caramel skin, bouncy curly hair I'd kill for , light brown eyes and pink lips. One could predict she was going to be a beautiful lady.

"Yes baby."

"Is my moma here?"she asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I felt bad for her. Her mother was a successful lawyer and barely had time for her. Over the weekend when the day care was closed she had her sent to ballet lessons.

"I'm sorry but your moma's not here yet," I tried to pacify her, "but she'll be here soon. Promise." She nodded with a pout.

I usually left her their with her teddy bear waiting on her mum.

I had just bid Linnette goodbye when the bus stopped. I got in and passed greetings to the driver and took a seat. As we drove to my destination I took time to admire all the Christmas lights and the beautiful night sky. Though Christmas was a couple of weeks away, people were already prepared.

My smile widened when I saw a bunch of kids throwing snow balls at each other.

Before heading to my family home I decided to pay my grandmother a visit. She was getting older and required a bit more care. She was diagnosed with diabetes and was letting off on her health. She believed her calling was to die and join granddad in heaven.

Then he came alongWhere stories live. Discover now