♥ Chapter Four ♥

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Going with the flow is like sailing any direction the wind goes
                                   -kings' poetry


Jasmine's POV

I'm woken up by the sound of something breaking in the kitchen. I ran to my closet for a metal bat and cautiously make my way to the kitchen. I take a deep breath and say a quick prayer before bursting through the door. I drop the bat as I stare at the victim.

There in front of me is one and only Bear coated in flour.

“ Bear?” I quietly say as I cross my arms. Bear gives me a quick wave as he stares at the mess he created

“ Good morning mommy” Bear tries to change the subject. I raise a brow at him

“ Please explain to me what's going on here” I say

“ I wanted to make you breakfast. You were tired last night, I thought...” Bear says as he bows his head.


“ That's very sweet of you baby. Thank you” I say. I hug bear and kiss his curls. He weakly smiles at me and asks for a redo. I chuckle and nod my head. Taking a sit at the island, I watch bear grab a glass of milk from behind him and hands it to me. He later returns with a bowl with fruits in it

“ Thank you handsome” I say as I take the bowl from him. He blushes and faces the other way

“ I'm sorry but I don't know how to make pancakes” he says in a tiny voice

“ That's okay baby. I'll teach you” I watch Bear's face light up at my response.


After teaching Bear how to make pancakes, we spent time cuddling and binge watching Bear's favorite movies.

It's now 6pm and we just had dinner. Bear's busy explaining what's going on in this episode since I missed the last one. My phone rings and it's just a number. I pick it up with a scowl on my face.

“ Hello?” I ask

“Hi is this Miss Wells? I'm calling from the Da Vinci Enterprise” a feminine voice responds

“ Y-yes this is her” I answer. My heart's on a marathon now.

“ Alright I'm calling to inform you that you've been accepted to work as Mr Black's PA. I'll send you an email with Mr Black's schedule and information.” The lady says and I pinch myself to stop from screaming and destroying the poor woman's ear drums.

“ Thank you so much. I'm really excited to work for Mr Black” I say way to much excited for professionalism

“ Hm. You're expected to start tomorrow at 6:30 am. I'll be at the office and will run you through what you're supposed to do” She says

“ um yeah ok. I'll be there” I say after I getting a hold of my emotions.

She cuts the call and as promised, my phone dings with the email. I look at Bear and scream. Bear jolts at the sound but also screams when I tell him I got the job. He gives me hug telling me how he knew I'd get the job.

I need to get Bear enrolled in school with my savings and stock the kitchen hopefully to last till I get my paycheck. Using our little savings is a risk but I can't always depend on miss Jones to take care of him. Moreover, he needs to continue with his studies and I won't be here to tutor him.

“ You deserve it mommy” bear says while squeezing me to death.

“ Thanks baby”

We do our night routines and I put bear to sleep. I walk to my closet and pull out clothes for tomorrow. I pull out a grey knee length tight skirt and a white button up shirt. I pull out my favorite black thong for good luck and white heels. I look up schools near by for bear and fill in the forms. I'll need to meet them in person to finalize things and my baby boy would start school. I quickly take a shower and get under the covers.


I wake up at 5:30 am, switch off the alarm and make my way to the bathroom. After my morning business, I head over to the kitchen and start up on breakfast. I'm done in 20 minutes and I make my way to bears room.

I don't feel good about waking up bear this early but I need to leave early or I'm gonna be late on the first day. I gently wake him up and take him to the bathroom. Bear gets ready in record time and makes his way to the kitchen for breakfast. I head to my room to get ready.

I'm done by 6:07am and I'm rushing bear to miss Jones' apartment. I kiss him good bye after being scolded for waking him up this early by miss Jones. I get outside and into the Uber I ordered.

I arrive at Da Vinci Enterprise with five minutes to spare. I make my way to the reception and I'm ushered to Mr Black's office. I knock and a pretty middle aged woman in a red dress opens the door

“ Hi you must be Miss Wells” the woman says and I recognize the voice. It's the woman from the previous night.

This should be interesting

♦ Done done done ✅!!

Chapter Four down✨💃🏾🎊

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