♥ Chapter Seventeen ♥

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Jasmine's POV 

    Today is finally the day Bear starts school and I'm so happy to finally enroll my little man in school. His teacher had ''evaluated'' his knowledge a few days ago and bear passed all the tests like a champion. I'm kinda nervous because all the other first graders are huge compared to bear. I just hope bear will survive his first day of physical school.

   I dropped bear off after showering him with hugs and kisses. There where tears. Surprisingly, bear was not nervous at all. He was much more excited than anything. I only left the school after being assured that nothing will happen to him till I pick him up later today.

    Now I'm making my way into the building 30 minutes late. I'm not stressed though, considering I shot Lorenzo a text explaining myself. He was okay with it. I mean it's Lorenzo you can get away with being human. After yesterday's activities, I pray that I don't run into Ottaviano today. Speaking of Ottaviano, I should check up on Lorenzo after yesterday and make sure we're still cool.

     I knock on his office door, entering when I'm permitted to. My eyes immediately meet his and by the way he looks, it's clear as day that he's tired. He has bags under his eyes and his hair is a mess- I guess from running his fingers through it. he still looks good though. He's wearing a baby blue button down shirt and white pants.

     "Jasmine" Lorenzo calls out snapping me out of my day dream. I clear my throat before replying

" Yes sir" Lorenzo lets out a groan

"Please don't call me that unless you want me to bend you over this desk" he says throwing his head back against his chair. I blush looking away from him

You'd love that huh

Shut up!. Lorenzo motions for me to come closer. My breath deepens every step I take towards him. Lord give me strength to refuse this fine temptation. He hugs my waist, laying his head on my stomach-ish. I'm short compared to his 6"2 frame. I can't help it but run my fingers through his curls. He has such beautiful and healthy hair.

      " I'm so tired" He mumbles " I was right, you make an amazing pillow"

   I let out a chuckle before responding to him " I'm not that comfy"

  " Oh trust me you are" he chuckles as well 

" Did you sleep last night?" I ask changing the topic

" Yeah maybe an hour or so. Couldn't sleep" he says before letting out a yawn

   All because of me. I'm sure he kept himself up because of the fight— more like yelling he got from Ottaviano. I need to fix this someway or another.

   " You should go home and get some rest" I advise but he immediately shakes his head no at my suggestion

  "I can't. I need to make it up to Viano somehow" He says letting me go making me move back a little.

   "What if I do your work for today. Besides, your schedule today isn't complicated and it doesn't necessarily need you to be present" I suggest again. Please say yes.

  " As good as that sounds, I can't. Viano will think I'm being ignorant to my duties. I don't want to disappoint him again" he mumbles the last part but I'm able to get it though.

       It's like he's repulsed by the idea of disappointing Ottaviano. By the way he's punishing himself, it's like he's trying to make it up to his better half. I mean they are like brothers so I'm sure he's disappointed with himself for not having his brother's back. Because of you.

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