♥ Chapter Thirty ♥

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    ............. Jasmine............

     I make my way downstairs with a huge smile on my face. I don't know what to call whatever is going on between Viano and I, but I freaking love it. I feel like my seventeen year old self sneaking out to meet Sal again. I feel so much alive and I hope this lasts. Viano left about an hour ago after we went another round on my bathroom floors. Yes the damn floors. That man has a questionable stamina. I literally had to push him away when he closed in on me in the closet asking for another round, fifteen minutes after the last round. I'm not complaining though. I enjoyed it as much as he did, if not more. But I'm sore and I need to see Bear. I didn't see him since I put him to sleep in Rio's room last night.

    "Sis in law" Someone calls out snapping me out of my trance. I look up at the direction of the sound and immediately my smile widens at the sight. Rio sits on one of the bar stools in the kitchen and Bear on his lap. He's feeding bear what looks like toast, sausages, eggs, and cut up fruit. He even has a cup of water for him.

  "Morning" I say not knowing exactly what to say to him

"It's 1pm" Rio says laughing at the confused expression I have on.

"Oh I saw you eating breakfast and I thought it was...." I say feelings my face heat up in embarrassment

  "Oh no your son decided we cook breakfast for lunch. Weird kid" Rio chuckles as bear hits him on the arm.

"That's his favorite meal of the day" I say joining him at the table with a chuckle of my own.

"Oh trust me, he made sure I knew that" He says cutting the sausages in smaller pieces then feeding them to him.

  "I can cook you something if you'd like that" I offer and his head snaps in my direction wearing a shocked look

  "You can cook?" He asks sounding just as shocked as he looked

"Yeah" I say dragging the word not understanding why he's reacting this particular way

  "Wow maybe I should wife you before O does" He says make me playfully hit is arm causing him to let out a loud laugh, making me laugh as well.

" But seriously though do you need me to cook you anything?" I ask after our laugh dies out

"Maybe dinner. I already ate." He says wiping bear's face when he's done eating

"I'll cook dinner then" I say with an excited look. Apart from spending time with bear, cooking was something that really did calm me down.

"You might need to go grocery shopping, O kil– fired his last cook and no one's gone grocery shopping in a while" He says getting up with bear safely tackled to his chest

I'm starting to think he's obsessed with him

  " Right. I'll go grocery shopping then" I say getting up

" No you won't" Viano says walking into the kitchen

"Why not?" I ask looking at him strangely

"Gufetto there are people out there that want you dead and you going out is a pretty much dumb thing to do" He says staring at me like I'm stupid or something.

   In my defense, I did forget they were people after me for whatever reason

  "Okay we're going to the game room" Vittorio announces walking away with Luca

  "Look I can take care of..."

    "No." He cuts me off walking closer to me." My men still don't know who it was or what they wanted and the last thing I'll do is let you out knowing you could get hurt. "

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