♥ Chapter Twenty Three ♥

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not edited!!

This is where it's supposed to be. There was a mix up during publication and this chapter came before 21 & 22. Sorry for that.

............. OTTAVIANO...........

My head hurts.

I wake up, trying to figure out where I'm am and how I got here. I have an IV injected in my right hand and a wet cloth on my forehead.

I blacked out.

I sit up with a bit if a struggle before analyzing the room I hate so much. The walls are still a black and gray color that I asked for years ago, different quotes from renowned philosophers and authentic art pieces from all my favorite painters, are still hang on my walls in an attractive clean classy way.

I look behind my bed at the top of my head board, my biggest adoration and regret hangs there. Twenty three year old me smiles at the camera with a smile that I cannot express today. I was happy. My eyes stare at the person on my right and my heart sinks. I failed her. She was so happy that day. We were happy that day.

She lied.

I should have noticed something. I should have never left her side.

Maybe if your mom wasn't such a bitch, She would still be here.


"You're awake" I snap my head to the door were the voice comes from.


"Yeah" I clear my throat when my raw voice breaks through the quiet room.

"Why haven't you been taking your medications? Do you know how much worried we where about you?" My father slightly raises his voice at me.

I ignore him.

"Your mom was worried" He lowers his voicemail when he realizes that the yelling bullshit won't work on me.

"Bullshit" I scoff

"She still cares about you" my father says. This talk is slowly getting me frustrated.

This man has the audacity to seat here and tell me the woman that ruined my life still cares about me. No he expects me to run out of this room and fall straight in the selfish bitch's arms like she's the best mother in the world. Bullshit.

"At least give her a ch- " he's cut off before he finishes his sentence

"If you have nothing to say I suggest you leave me the fuck alone" I say trying to rip the IV shit out if my skin

"Stop that" he smacks me at the back of my head

"I don't need it" I say glaring at him

" I feel like you're provoking me to beat your ass" my father says

I was.

" I'd likely to see you try old man " I say causing us to both chuckle at that.

My father might be 59 but he's definitely the strongest mother fucker I know. And I know he would beat my ass blue black if he wanted to, but he can't. He loves me.

And I'd get him killed.


The door opens and in comes Rio with his ugly bitch dressed in a knitted vest. Why the fuck would you put that ugly bitch in that this?

"I see, trying to get the party started without its face" he says sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"Are you homeless?" Dad asks him .

That's what I've been saying. The mother fucker is always everywhere I turn.

" Why would you say that?" Rio asks offended.

"You're Alway at my fucking house" my father says frowning at him

"I'm just getting myself familiarized with everything. You know once you die, I get to keep all of this" He bluntly says and I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing.

I've never my father move that fast. He tackles Rio to the ground in a blink of an eye. They start wrestling for a bit, before dad puts Rio in a headlock.

"This is why I'm giving everything to your brother" my dad says tightening his hold on him.

Rio taps out and father reluctantly releases him .

"Okay okay jeez. I swear I'll be the happiest at your funeral" Rio says jokingly, cause dad to wack him upside his head.

I half smile at the interaction between the two. It's clear to everyone who has eyes just how my Fabrizio Da Vinci loves his children. You can take away many things from him but his love for his family.

Growing up in an abusive household, dad has always wanted the best for us. He wanted to have a family he could come back to after a long boring work day to. He wakes up everyday trying to mend the Brocken pieces of whatever is left of his family. Non of us has ever been the same after the incident. And I can still see the pain in his eyes that he tries to hide from us.

I think he forgot one the most important rules of being a mafia after his retirement.

Never show anyone your weakness.

" Ow. I swear only Mom loves me in this house" Rio says ruining my mood.

"Of course sweetie. Mommy loves you"

"Shit "

Not edited. Way too tired.


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