VII | Like The Old Day's | VII

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"Y/n, Y/n, Look!" Techno sat on the ground next to Y/n. He pointed with his finger to a deer that was eating some grass, not paying attention, and not being aware that it was being hunted.

"Wait, how do I do this?" This was Y/n's first time ever, holding a bow. She had no idea how to use it. She had never been on a hunt before with anyone and Techno had told her to teach her how to hunt a deer.

"Look." Techno had grabbed his own bow, that was lying beside him. He held it up and showed Y/n how to aim and how to use it.

Y/n did exactly what he was doing and tried to imitate him as well as possible. It was not very steady, but it was her first time ever, and for the first time she was doing a good job. Techno gave her an arrow and took one himself too. He showed Y/n how to hold it.

"Alright now you aim your target. And remember, let the bow do its job." Y/n did as he said so and before she knew she let it go. The arrow goes right at its target and not soon after right in the heart of the deer. Y/n looked at the animal and it fell on the ground. Techno and Y/n both ran towards the dead body, Techno checked if the deer was dead and let Y/n take the arrow out.

"Why is it so hard to take out?" The girl was struggling and could not get it.

"That's the reason why I let you do it. These are made to be like this. If you look closely at the arrowhead, you can see it's not flat. They are made like this, so when you are fighting you can shoot the arrow easily in your enemy, but they can't get it out that well." Techno explained to her. While talking he helped her to get it out and showed her the arrowhead.

As they went further into the woods, they heard some noises. Y/n thought it was just a ribbit or some birds, but then she saw the leaves of some bushes moving.

"Stand behind me." Techno led his arm out, to let Y/n not walk any further. He lead her with his arm behind her and started to prepare his bow.

"I'm scared, what is it." Y/n had her arm on his waist and held him as a shield to protect her. She did not know what to do and she was almost crying at this point.

"Shh, try to stay calm and silent." Techno knew it was a threat and he knew it was probably a wolf. He was not terrified though, because he had dealt with these kinds of animals a lot.

"Techno-" before the little girl could finish her sentence, a gray figure sprung out of the bushes right towards them. It looked like it was going in slow motion. She saw the sharp teeth of the wolf, she saw the anger in his eyes, and she saw his claws that were targetting her. Even though it felt like an eternity, she couldn't not do anything, she could not help Techno, nor protect him.

Just before it could hit her, it felt on the ground. Just for a moment, the silence was loud. Thecno looked over and felt if the wolf was breathing or not.

"He's dead." His voice was cold, and it terrified her even more.

"Don't worry about it though, this can happen all the time. I'll show you how to know if it's a threat or not." His voice was now way more warmer and softer as he saw her getting scarred from his cold voice.

"How did you know what to do so fast?" The little princess asked.

"That lesson number two, NEVER lower your bow when you don't know what something is. How curious you are, it doesn't matter. If you lower your bow, you can't protect yourself anymore."

They stayed there for a while shooting two other deers. Y/n was frightened at first, but she started to relax a bit as he teaches her how to deal with everything.

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