Credits and Stuff

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It has been an incredible journey. I have learned so incredibly much by writing this book and it has helped me a lot when I was not feeling well. I am currently struggling with a lot of issues and problems - Which you might relate to - And writing this story has helped me cope with it in the right way.

Besides dealing with problems, I have increased my writing skills a lot and I have been way more comfortable with writing than I was before. Of course, there will be still a lot of mistakes, but I can learn from them and I can make myself a better author by making them and learning from them.

I wanted to give three people a special shoutout because they have been reading from the start of my story and have been supporting it trough out the whole novel.


I know it probably sounds very cheesy, but I am grateful to have this kind of support. I really needed it as I thought no one is going to read it, at the beginning. And no, I do not have that big audience, but it is still a beginning and a start. You have to start somewhere and I can proudly say that I now have an amazing start.

This is not only to the three names I have put above but just in general to all of the readers. I really want to thank you for sticking around and making it through the end. Of course, this is not completely the end, seeing the fact that this is part one and I am writing now a part two, but it still is a lot and I highly appreciate that.

Just wanted to say if someone has like book cover ideas, a better title (book title or just of a chapter) then here is the place. In this comment section, you can put all of the ideas or tips and I will read them. New ideas for a different book are okay too, just do whatever you want. I am not going to guarantee you that I will use it, but I am going to read it and consider,

The last thing I wanted to talk about was my second book. I have started writing it and there are already some chapters out. At the moment it is over an hour long, so I have a long way to go. I hope you want to give the book a change and I actually had loads of ideas, but there were just too much to put it one book, which is why I decided to make a part 2.

I really hope to see you in my next book and of not, I hope you have a wonderful time reading other stories!!

~Much love, your author

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