IX | Panic Attack | IX

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Y/n woke up by the sun coming through the window. In confusion, she looked around, she could not remember getting in bed. The light was almost making her blind when she opened her eyes.

[Y/n] How did I end up here? The last thing I can remember is- Ohh shit. I fell asleep on Dream. Omg, I'm so stupid. He probably has brought me here. I'm so dumb

When the girl stepped out of bed, she noticed she was wearing something she had not seen before. It was a light- olive-green hoodie with a black smile on it. It was way too big on her and It looked almost like a dress

[Y/n] Dream probably has done that, so I did not have to sleep in my hunting clothes. Wait, but I do have not my top underneath it. That Motherfucker.

The girl walked to the bathroom, that was attached to her bedroom. She wanted to take a shower. The girl took off her clothes and when she pulled up the hoodie, she noticed the sense of Dream. The princess waited a bit before she took it completely off. She laid the hoodie, neatly folded onto a little table, and stepped into the shower.

The shower was turned very hot, just like Y/n liked it. After fifteen minutes, she could barely see anything, because of the fog. [a/n I don't know if you cal that fog, but we'll ignore it. pls let me know if I'm wrong though.]

After five minutes, the girl started crying. Dream was already out of her head, but that had made room for her parents and brother to get in her head. She missed them a lot and they were already gone for a long time. The girl had heard nothing from them since they were gone. She had even written a letter, but still nothing.

Trying to get the man out of her head, she stepped out. The princess looked in the mirror and grabbed a towel. Her hair was now darker than after, because of the water. Her eyes were all red ad puffy, because of the crying. Her mascara over her whole face, because she forgot to take it off. The girl looked like a mess.

When she finally made herself look a bit more presentable, she started to overthink again. The girl could not help it, how much she did not want to cry, she could not hold it.

The girl fell onto the ground and started to make herself as small as possible. She tried to not make any sound, so her temporary maid, would not notice her crying. Of course, the girl failed and if you would be in the room, you could definitely hear her.

'Knock knock' The girl did not move. She did not say anything either. She held her breath, so her maid could not hear her hopefully.

'Knock knock' Again she heard someone knocking on the door. The girl was still in the bathroom and had not even changed into clothes. She was sitting on the ground with a towel wrapped around her, that hugged her body tightly.

'Knock knock knock' She could not ignore it anymore, and it was getting very annoying.

"I don't need anything Mia" The voice was very small, and you could hear she had been crying. The girl did not want Mia to see her like this. Even though she was her maid, she did not want to. She hoped she would go away, so did not move from the positioning she was sitting in.

"Please, I want to be alone right now." The door opened slightly and she heard someone coming in. Her voice was still very soft and you could barely hear it right.

The princess did not hear anything and thought Mia would be gone by now when she suddenly felt Mia giving her a hug. The girl started sobbing again and noticed by the sense it was not Mia.

[Y/n] It smells the same as the hoodie. Fuck it is not Mia, It is Dream. Shit. He is probably going to call me weak or a pussy from now on.

State of Mind \\ Y/n x DWT \\✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt