XI | The Souris Lake | XI

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"Y/n! wait for me!"

"Too slow, suck it!"

"Just slow down Y/n!"

"You won't catch me!"

The two were running down the field. It was right beside the Souris lake, where Y/n always went. Only this time she stood on the other side, she was on the side of Edessa and not on the side of Avlyrra. She had never been here, and how often she looked at this side, it was different now. It looked different.

They had been in town for a long time the day before, and this time, the girl wanted to go to a bit more quiet place. She did not mind the town at all though, she was just not used to all the voices and sounds from animals. The girl grew up in a place with peace, well, not particular peace as in, no wars, but peace as in quiet.

Y/n was wearing a light pink dress, that she once had gotten from Niki. Even though Niki was 'just' her maid, as her mother always said, she was way more to Y/n. It was the only friend she had and the only one she could talk to, besides her brother.

The top of the dress was hugging her chest. it was a pretty simple dress but still looked very cute on Y/n. The girl could kind of, pull off everything. Every time, Y/n walked into the room, people would think she outclassed everyone, even though it was not her intention to do it.

"You sure 'bout that?" The man had wrapped his arms around Y/n, hugging her from the back. Unlike the previous times, he did touch her ears now, with his lips, when he talked to her. Giving Y/n shivers.

The girl tried to hide it and act like it did not affect her, but her body betrayed her at all times. The shiver let Dream know, he had done his job and he let her go.

The girl had brought her notepad with her and dropped herself onto the ground, getting settled in the tall grass. The grass was higher than on the other side of the lake. It was tickling her arms when she sat leg-crossed on the ground, with her leather notepad in her lab.

Also, she had a beautiful feather grabbed, the girl had found somewhere in the castle. It looked like it was from a peacock. The bottom of it was brown, as the top had a multi-colored dot in the middle.

When Dream has settled a few steps away from her, she decided to draw him. He laid in the grass, on his back, playing with a piece of grass. He did not notice the fact that Y/n was watching him.

The moment she placed the feather onto the paper, she realized he was shirtless. He had taken off his shirt because of the hot temperature. Y/n looked in awe at the perfect body. She saw the perfectly trained abs and now noticed his muscles in his arms as well.

She decided to draw him anyways. It was not that hard, but it was different because she mainly drew flowers. It was just a sketch, not trying to draw a hyper-realistic drawing, but you could definitely see it was him. Y/n was not done yet, but she had not expected to already turn out this pretty.

[Y/n] Damn, it looks so good, probably because of his perfectness, but still.

"You like what you see?" The man suddenly asks, as he teasingly looked over at Y/n, by turning his head to the side. He had a smirk on his face, as he knew Y/n would get flustered.

"I- uhhh" Trying to find an excuse, but she couldn't. but the girl knew too, she could not paint her way out of this, how hard she tried.

"If you are staring try to at least hide the fact you're doing it, smartass." Again his voice was teasing and had that stupid smirk on her face, that Y/n wanted to brush off.

"Ugh, whatever." She looked down at her sketch, trying to fix some mistakes and trying to make it look better. she had focused a lot on his abs, and you could see that in her sketch.

State of Mind \\ Y/n x DWT \\✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz