XII | Snuggling | XII

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"Dream?" the girl asked, as she saw someone on the bench outside, but could not tell who it was.

"Hm?" the person replied.

The girl walked further and saw that Dream was sitting there. He was reading a book, but the girl did not know it, she had never seen it before. The man was laying on his back on the white wooden bench and his head rested on the side of the bench, which was a bit higher. [It probably has a specific name, but I have no idea what it's called.]

"Hi, beautiful." His words slipped out of his mouth without him realizing it. Afterward, he cursed at himself about what he had just said to the girl. How could he be so stupid to say that to her? He looked over at Y/n, but when he saw her getting red as hell, he was not that mad anymore. He had made her blush, so that made up for it, he thought.

"uh- Hi Dream." The girl was still blushing very badly. She tried to hide it, but it was hard. The girl was wearing a hoodie, with her sleeves covering her hands, and her hands cupping her cheeks.

[Dream] Damn, she has no idea what she is doing to me right now. She looks so cute when she does that.

It was noiseless for a bit before the girl spoke up again, breaking the comfortable silence.

"So? whatcha doin'?" The girl had walked up to Dream and no rested her arms on the higher bit of the little bench. It was strong enough to fully support her weight, as she leaned on it. In between the girl's arms laid Dreams head, still unbothered and still reading.

The girl did not get any reaction.

"Hey! Give that Back! I was reading that!" The girl had taken his book and ran away with it, followed by Drem. When Dream approached the girl, she held it behind her back, because she knew running from him was not an option, he was way too fast.

"Y/n. give it back." He looked dead serious in her eyes. Not either of them looked away.

"Hmmmm, no." The girl acted like she was thinking deeply before saying no as cold as possible.

"Y/n give it back." He still had his eyes locked with Y/n, and both of them were not about to look away. at this point, it was almost a game, 'who is going to look away first?'

"Alright fine." The girl gave in after five minutes but had enough time to think of a little joke.

"Thank you." Y/n handed over the book while looking him dead in the eye before saying anything.

"The girl dies, leaving the man alone." The girl said when Dream just had the book. The girl really did not know the book but she had seen it was a romance between a woman and a man, so she decided to act like she had already read the book, and had now spoiled it.

"You did not!" The man was could almost not believe that the girl had just spoiled his book.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I've never even heard of that book before." The girl ran away as fast as she could, knowing he would run after her, and he was faster.

"You bitch!" Before running after the girl, he stood there for a minute in disbelieve.

[Dream] She did not just do that. She did NOT just do that. She is going to regret this one, and I WIL make that sure.

"Ahhhhh Dream." The girl looked behind her and saw Dream was getting closer and closer. She was giving all she could, but she was just not able to run faster. Not thirty seconds later, someone tackled her onto the ground. It did not hurt though.

"You are in so much trouble, you idiot." The man had fallen with her, now laying on top of her.

Y/n laid on the side of her body on the ground, with DReam facing her on top of the girl. She did not notice it at first, but when she turned around, now laying on her back, she saw Dream on top of her. The man's arms were on either side of her head, supporting his weight, so he would not crush her.

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