Playing Tag

145 4 0

Trigger Warnings: 18+
Contains strong language, knife play, primal play


It was too damn cold outside. My breath visible in the midnight air. The world was just a bit off. Just a tad too slow, sounds slightly muffled, the lights too bright. I stumbled over my own feet and cursed under my breath. I had to be more careful. In couldn't use any broken bones in my life right now. My eyes searched the black sky, in search of the moon. My anchor point, it would ground me and hopefully sober me up slightly. I did not want him to see me like this. Even though he would never judge me, it didn't feel right.

I needed to hurry. I was too slow, he had to be at the clearing by now. I didn't wait for the red man to turn green. Instead I quickly looked left and right before crossing the street. The park I was meeting him was just a couple of minutes off. I fastened my pace, ignoring the looks of a random passersby. I could only imagine what I looked like at the moment. Flushed cheeks, mostly from the alcohol, my hair in a messy bun and I was wearing grey stained sweatpants. My coat hid most of my outfit, though. The rest wasn't much better. But I knew he didn't care. At least I didn't smell. Or did I?

I was distracted by the sight of his shadow further down the path. As soon as he realized I saw him, he slid between the trees. I knew where he was going. It was a small clearing, just a few meters off the road, but completely hidden from prying eyes.

I reached the spot where he disappeared off the road and followed the hidden path. Quickly, but careful so I wouldn't slip over those roots. As soon as the thick trees and bushes broke and I took one step in the clearing, I froze, staring at the figure before me. Leaning against a tree, blowing cigarette smoke up in the air. The nonchalance, arrogance. He enraged me, this was NOT who I was expecting.

"I didn't call for you." My voice was silent and full of menace. He really was the last person I needed him. I knew he was never far away, but he always kept his distance.

"And yet I am here." He didn't even bother to look at me, his white eyes were cast up to the moon. That treacherous moon, that had acted as my anchor before, betrayed me now. I wanted to throw something at him.

"Where is he?" His eyes shifted to me, narrowing slightly at my tone, before grinning.

"He is... occupied. I gave him some sparkly things to play with." He shrugged and threw his cigarette on the ground, using his boot to press it in the sand. He was having way too much fun.

"You're a dickhead. Go fuck yourself," I hissed, before turning around. I didn't walk away, though. I knew he could give me what I needed, even though it was not what I wanted. He could give me a release, instead of a band-aid. Make me bleed, spill the poison and clear the air.

"Watch your tone, Sarah. I am in no mood to play." I gritted my teeth, my hands now in fists. I whipped around and had to use all the self-control I had left not to shout.

"You are so full of shit, DZ. This is not what I need. Give me Zyggy, or you came here for nothing." I had taken a couple of steps forward, leaving the shadows behind me. The alcohol had made me bold and I knew I was pushing it.

"Careful. I warned you once, I'm not doing it again. Zyggy isn't coming. Deal with it."

"Bite me," I growled. I was done, so done with this guy. Fine. Have it your way. I turned on my heels and walked back to where I came from.

He was fast. Faster than I anticipated. A soft rustle of the dried leaves was the only warning I got, before his arm snaked across my body, pinning my arms to my body. His other hand had curled around my throat, pressing down slightly. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, my body was fighting the feelings that now coursed through me.

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