Paint Me Red

118 4 1

Trigger warnings: 18+

Contains Power Play, Knife Play, CNC/reluctance, Blood Play
Very spicy!

Includes a very special guest


The front door slammed close and I frowned. I hadn't expected him to be back so soon. But I was not complaining, I was always eager to see him. The floor creaked just as I spread the cookie cream on my sandwich. I had recently discovered it by accident and I loved it. DZ did as well.

"Hey DZ, I was just making some sandwiches! Do you want some?" I asked, knowing he would be close to the kitchen now. He would hear me. I licked the cream off the table knife as I turned around, feeling playful. My body froze as soon as I realized it wasn't DZ standing there. Instead, he was there. Leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed in front of his chest. His head cocked slightly to the side. Lazily he licked his lips as he gazed me up and down, before grinning. I quickly realized my tongue was still pressed against the knife. I lowered the knife and placed it on the counter behind me without looking.

"What are you doing here?" I sounded braver than I felt. He always scared me somehow. He was so... unpredictable. He clicked his tongue.

"DZ asked me to take care of you. Didn't he tell you?" I narrowed my eyes as I watched him.

"Don't lie, Jester. He would never." He pushed himself away from the doorframe and sauntered into the kitchen like he owned the place. Grabbing my sandwich off the plate, he took a bite, before pulling a face. He swallowed.

"What is that? Don't tell me you've been feeding him this. No wonder he's gone all soft on us."

I lowered my voice, glaring at him. "Again, what are you doing here? Don't you have some poor souls to torment in the gutter where you live?" Jester shifted his yellow eyes towards me and he gave a short, loud laugh.

"Feisty, are we?" He threw the sandwich on the counter, not bothering to place it back on the plate. "You really want to know what I'm doing here? Really?" He slowly stalked closer until he pinned me to the counter behind me. His hips were pressed against mine.

"Oh, sweet, little, innocent Cass. Are you really that naive?" His breath was hot on my face, sweet smelling from the bite of my sandwich. I looked away, staring at the window. He slowly stroked his finger from my temple down my cheek, to my chin. Pushing my face back to his.

"I like to play with DZ's toys. Didn't you know? And he left you here, unattended, for me to find."

"He didn't leave me," I snapped. "He got a message from Demeter."

"And who did you think sent that message, hm?" His face came even closer, so he could whisper in my ear. "Let me tell you a little secret. It wasn't Demeter."

I had to do everything in my power not to react to his words, but my heart was pounding.

"Leave, Jester." My voice was shaking out of anger. My hand reached back on the counter. My fingers found the cold metal and in a flash, I pressed the table knife against his throat.

"Or what? You're going to stab me? With this?" His voice was taunting.

"I will if I need to!" He just laughed, moving forward, pressing himself against the metal.

"Don't tempt me, little one. You know I like to play. Besides, I wouldn't call that a knife."

He moved fast, slapping my hand to the side. The knife slipped from my fingers and fell to the floor. The sharp blade of a hunting knife was now pressed against my throat. My breath hitched as I tried to move back, but he already had me backed against the wall. His head cocked to the side, the grin not leaving his face. Compared to this knife, it was like I had threatened him with a kid's toy.

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