
83 2 1

Trigger warnings: 18+

Contains: teasing, public play


The music was loud, enticing, urging me to move. I was hot, but not searching for the relief of the fresh air outside. Instead, I kept moving, urged on by the slight buzz of the alcohol rushing through my veins. It had been ages since I last partied like this. Let go like it would be my last night on earth. Seeking the ultimate high on the dance floor. The bliss of the beating bass which pulled my lips into a wide smile. The group I came with had scattered all over the place, but I had made new friends with these strangers. People I didn't know, nor would ever talk to again after this night. There was just dancing and laughter. Some flirted or moved closer to talk, but I did not care. Music was my aphrodisiac, I was not interested in chatting. I needed to move and not be pulled back to the world around me. Of course I saw the boys crowding around me, desperate for attention. But that was just the problem. I didn't want boys. I wanted men to sweep me off my feet.

The tunes changed to a slower pace, sensual. I slowed with it, twisting my hips to the rhythmic beat. The song made me feel sexy and aroused, as I closed my eyes and gave in to the music. Hands appeared on my hips, pulling me gently back to a warm body. It moved with me, taking control of my movements.

"You look ravishing this evening," a low voice said in my ear. I grinned, before pushing my ass back against him. I knew that voice. I had heard it talk to me, whisper to me, even moan for me. The man that entered my dreams and my body on multiple occasions, and I happily let him. I didn't acknowledge him with words, yet the movements against his crotch told me what he did to me. One of his hands moved to between my hips, pulling me tight against him. I placed one of my hands on his, squeezing slightly, encouraging him. I felt the hum vibrate through his chest, pressed against my back.

"Why have you not answered my messages?" The hand on my hip creeped up, resting on my ribs below my breasts. I leaned my head back against his shoulder, my hand free hand sliding up until I came in contact with his face, the soft hairs of his beard caressing my fingers.

"Because I am not someone you can call just when you want a fuck, Munk." His grip tightened, his hips pressing harder against the soft flesh of my hips. I moaned softly.

"Yet here you are, not sending me away." I grinned as I turned around in his arms, facing him, not removing my hand from his cheek.

"You didn't call me, did you?" Before he could react, I leaned forward, standing up on my toes and pressing my lips against his. He tasted like beer and sweet mixed drinks. His hand rested on my lower back, pulling me against his body, the other found the back of my neck, guiding my movements. Once again he took control over me, pulling me away from the world and back into our little bubble. The stubble tickled my face as our tongues collided. I could feel the hardness between his legs press against me and I chuckled, not breaking this kiss. Instead, I pressed my hips against his. I let my hand explore between us, feeling the contours of his cock under my fingers. He replied by gripping the back of my neck tighter, pouring all his pent-up energy into the dance of our tongues.

I broke the kiss when the song almost seamlessly moved to a more upbeat tempo and stepped back just a little, breaking our connection.

"Why don't you get me a drink? Don't you know how to take care of a lady?" Munk smirked as he leaned forward a little.

"I know how to take care of a lady. I remember you screaming in pleasure when taking care of you.." With those words, he turned around and made his way through the crowd. I never stopped dancing to the music, the light buzz from the alcohol now replaced by almost manic arousal. I knew how this night would end, yet I did not know if I could wait that long. Yet, making him wait for a bit longer would be worth it. I felt new hands on my hips. They felt more insecure than the ones before. Smaller. Munk's yellow eyes were on me as he chatted to a pretty young lady at the bar, while waiting to be served. He moved a little closer, his eyes not leaving me. Oh, two can play this game. I let my hands slowly move over my body as I twisted my hips, pressing back against the innocent boy behind me. He reacted with a gasp, shuffling a bit closer. Munk leaned forward to whisper in her ear, a smirk on his face, his hand resting on the small of her back. The girl threw her head back as she laughed, her hand on his arm. I licked my lips as my hands grasped my breasts, feeling the hard nipples under the thin fabric of the dress.

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