Remember Your Place

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Trigger Warning: 18+
Contains m/m, humiliation, dominance

This is the sequel to Know Your Place 


The cold had really settled in now. The streets were deserted at this hour. My hands were lodged firmly in my pockets, music blaring through my headphones but I didn't really hear it. I just needed a distraction, my thoughts were raging. I couldn't shake the feeling DZ had given me. The humiliation. I was an alpha male damn it, I shouldn't be feeling like this. It had already been an month now. I kicked an empty coke can as hard as I could, which bounced off the wall and landed back in my path. See, only an alpha male could land it that perfectly. DZ had just caught me by surprise. It wouldn't happen again. I balled my hands into fists as I kicked the can again. It skidded across the street, right under a car.

No, enough is enough. I needed to show DZ who is the actual boss. I wouldn't be the one on his knees at the end. I wouldn't be the one with a d... no, I needed to shift my thoughts somewhere else. I needed to come up with a plan. I needed to show DZ I was the man, the one all the women would want. I would steal all of his girls. I grinned as I stood taller. Yes, I could do this. And the party tomorrow would be perfect.

The room was already packed when I entered, the music blaring loudly and alcohol flowing freely. My eyes found DZ immediately as he was easy to spot, he was chatting with some blonde girl. His eyes flickered to mine, a grin forming on his lips. It was the first time seeing him and he obviously hadn't forgotten about what happened. I almost felt my head dip in submission, but I refused to give in. Instead, I ignored him as I walked to the bar, ordering a drink. My eyes shifted over the crowd as I waited. I was slightly nervous, but determined to make this work.

"Here you go handsome," the lady behind the bar said, winking as she handed me my beer. I winked back and turned around. She gave me the confidence boost I needed. DZ was still chatting to this girl. I moved so I was in her direct line of sight. She laughed at a joke he made and moved a bit closer to him. Our eyes caught and I winked at her, openly flirting. She giggled and kept looking at me. I danced to the music, luring her in. She licked her lips, but I didn't know if it was because of something DZ had just said to her, or the fact that I subtly lifted my shirt, showing her my abs. I saw the back muscles of DZ tense and he whipped around, glaring at me. I lifted my glass to him, before I turned away slightly, still moving to the beat. They spoke another couple of words, before the girl moved away from him, directly towards me.

"Hey," she said, her hand resting on my bicep.

"Hi! You are stunning!" I kept up my flirting, but didn't lose sight of DZ. I wasn't done with him.

"Thank you!" She blushed and moved closer. DZ in the meanwhile moved towards the bar, ordering another drink. His gaze shifted through the crowd, looking for another female to prey on. His eyes locked on a pretty redhead not too far from me and he grinned to her, before turning back to grab his drink.

"Excuse me," I said to the blonde, giving her a short peck on the cheek. With confidence I stepped towards the redhead, just as DZ started to move towards her.

"Hi! You are absolutely gorgeous!" I said, placing my hand on her waist. I subtly moved her just a bit, so that I could still see DZ without being too obvious. His steps faltered and I could see him fuming. He called me a cockblock last time. Time to show him an actual cockblock. He wouldn't get any girl tonight, no sir. She didn't seem too interested in me, but I didn't mind. I had other plans with my cock this evening. DZ moved to my left, and I was instantly there, casually chatting with another girl he laid his eyes on. I liked this game, as I was winning.

Yet another girl, and yet again, I was there. I could almost feel the frustration radiating off of him. Even though we both knew what I was doing, I tried to be innocent enough. I wasn't looking at him, but my whole evening revolved around DZ. Anytime he moved, I was there. Anytime he even thought about talking to some chick, I would be first. I wanted him frustrated, but I didn't give him any reason to act. It was all innocent enough. Nobody would know, but me and him. He moved towards one of the walls, where another female was waiting for him. I slipped through the crowd and got to her just seconds before DZ.

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