Bitesize Snack

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Trigger warnings: 18+

Contains m/enby/m, humiliation, dominance, knifeplay, Power Play

Includes a very special guest


With wide eyes I watched the man sneak through the dark house. It was so quiet. My heart was pounding, and I held my breath as one of the floorboards creaked. Oh no. This is it. This is how it ends. The man paused, listening for any sound, not daring to move. A small droplet of sweat slid down his temple, I could feel his fear. A chuckle, that of a child, echoed through the house. Oh no, oh no. Run! I gripped a hand tightly between my fingers as the man started sprinting. Down the stairs, through the hallway and out the door. He never made it as the door slammed in his face. I gasped.

A low chuckle pulled my attention away from the TV. I was leaning with my back against Munk. His arm was draped over my waist, and I had gripped his hand so tightly it almost turned blue. Quickly I relaxed my hand and patted him apologetically, but my eyes were trained on DZ. I had my bare feet on his lap, he was softly massaging my skin. He had a large grin on his face as he looked at me.

"Are you making fun of me, DZ?" I asked, sending him an angry look.

"I wouldn't dare. I know how vicious those cute little creatures like you can be." I huffed and leaned my head back against Munk's shoulder.

"I'm not cute," I mumbled, my eyes were back on the TV. Both of them now chuckled. It had been an ongoing discussion between us that I secretly enjoyed so much. Sure, I was shorter than them, but I was quicker. The man on TV was now a bloody mess, pleading for his life, but it was hard for me to focus back on it. I wiggled my toes, indicating DZ should continue his massage. He didn't. I looked back at him, wiggling my toes again. His white eyes were still on me, but they were empty. I could tell he was thinking about something, but his hands automatically started rubbing my skin again.

"Good boy," I whispered, barely containing my grin. I was feeling so relaxed that I dared to push some boundaries. Immediately his eyes focused on me, and I saw his eyes darken. Munk behind me stiffened slightly, before I felt his soundless laugh.

"Ooooooh, you've done it now!" I gripped his hand tightly, but he pulled it away from me. "Nope, I'm not helping you with this one. You dug your own grave. You deal with it."

"What did you say?" DZ growled lowly. I could tell it was still fun and games, but he awoke something in me. I tried to pull my feet from is lap, but his grip om them was firm.

"What, something wrong with your ears? I said, good boy." I stuck out my tongue, before I pretended to watch the rest of the movie. To be honest, I didn't even know what it was about anymore. I saw the images move in front of me, but I was hyper-aware of my position. I wasn't protected by Munk's arm anymore and DZ's fingers were still dangerously firm on my skin. My skin tingled and I heard every little sound he made.

He gave a low grumble, and I felt his fingers relax for just a second. Right in that second, I managed to pull my feet away from his hands and I shot up off the couch.

"Anyone want a snack?" The movie was almost over, as a cold scream echoed through the room. Apparently, the demon-ghost-monster-thingy was vanquished.
"I do," DZ said, as he stood slowly, his eyes locked on me, his tongue licked his lips. A delicious shiver ran down my spine and I grinned wickedly.

"Then sit down, DZ," I ordered, snapping my fingers, and pointing to the couch. I was pushing it. My body tensed, ready to make a run for it if needed. Quickly I glanced at the door. It would be impossible to be able to reach it, as I would have to pass DZ first. He cocked his head to the side.
"You did not just do that, did you?" I gulped and looked at Munk for help. He just raised his hands and grinned, his eyes gleaming with joy. He was enjoying this way too much. Fine. Then don't. I looked back at DZ, who was slowly stalking closer. I crouched slightly. There was a small table between us. I'd just have to wait until DZ chose a side before I would make a run for it. Come on, just a few more steps. It sounded like he cursed under his breath, it was too low for me to hear. Finally, he stepped to the side a bit, walking around the table. Right at that moment, I made a run for it. Right as I wanted to slip past the couch, Munk stood up and caught me by my waist, pinning one arm to my body.

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