Playing the Fool

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Trigger warnings: 18+

Contains: public sex, reluctance, light bondage, sensory deprivation, choking, humiliation, manipulation


The moon was bright above me, illuminating my way through the dark park. I always enjoyed the sight of the moon, especially when it was so big. It was just a day or two before the full moon. I had to say I was a little surprised when Munk's message came in earlier, inviting me over to this place. it wasn't sent from his own number, but apparently he had left his phone at Host's place when he visited earlier. He had used someone else's phone. I almost skipped to the appointed spot. He told me where to be, at what time and that I'd be in for a surprise. I couldn't wait to see him, to see the surprise.

There it was. Either I was the first to arrive, or he was lurking in the shadows. Both sounded very much like him. I checked the message again just to be sure. Somehow my heart was pounding a bit, it must have been the excitement to see Munk again.

I leaned back against the wide tree trunk so I had a clear view of the grassy fields and the edge of the forest to my left. A small pond was to the right. It was a lovely evening. Spring was just around the corner, and the air smelled sweet and warm, despite the slight chill. In just a day or two, the world would explode in a sea of bright colors. I couldn't wait. I smiled as my eyes shifted to the moon. Just the thought of Munk and him being this close to a full moon sent delicious shivers down my spine. Even though he was careful and holding back a lot, he was always... well, more. Feral. A barely contained hunger. I frowned a little. Normally he would stay inside during these days, at least until after the full moon. Maybe he had something in mind. Something interesting. I shifted and smiled at myself as I could already feel the wetness between my legs. Maybe he wanted to run? After all, the space here was open. Close to the woods. I glanced down at my outfit. I knew Munk, so I had chosen something easy to wear. Or rather, easy to take off. A simple dress with a front zipper, hiding the lace lingerie I bought just for him. Shoes that I could kick off, yet still comfortable enough to walk in. I think I could run in this, if needed. Gods, being chased by a horny Munk on a night like this was only something from my wildest fantasies. Of course the thoughts had plagued my dreams, waking me up in aroused shivers before diving to the nightstand, in search of my favorite toy. I softly chuckled before biting my lip. I hoped he would be here soon.

A twig snapped right behind me, but I didn't move. I couldn't get this stupid grin off my face.

"Good evening, miss." That wasn't Munk's voice. I whipped around to the source of the sound. Jester was leaning against the tree, way too close to me, with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He had a sly grin on his face. I swallowed hard as I took a step back from him. I had only seen him from a distance. Both DZ and Munk had warned me about him. He was dangerous, and not the fun kind of dangerous. At least, that's what they told me.

"Jester," I said politely, as I unconsciously braced myself. His eyes shifted down and up so fast I barely saw it, but I knew he was aware of wariness. His expression never changed.

"What are you doing on a fine night like this, all alone out here?" He spoke gentle and low, seemingly with genuine interest.

"I-" Should I lie to him? No doubt he would know. "I am meeting Munk. He's supposed to be here any minute now." His face twisted to mild surprise.

"Munk? So shortly before the full moon? Usually he is more careful than this." I pulled my mouth to a smile, still trying to be polite. I didn't know what to think of him. He didn't seem to be that bad, but I needed to trust Munk and DZ, right?

"He knows I trust him. He is just running late. I should call him." Without waiting for a reply, I stepped away, turning my back to Jester, dialing Munk's number. I heard the ringing tone in my ear, imagining the loud ringtone of Munk's phone not too far away. I should hear it if he was close, right? It just kept ringing, until the line disconnected. Fuck. I tried the other number Munk texted me with, but it went straight to voicemail. Double fuck. I put my phone back into my purse and turned back to Jester. He was still standing in the same spot, watching me with interest.

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