The Surprise

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Trigger Warning: 18+
Contains: Dominance, collaring


My heart was pounding like crazy, and my breathing was heavy. We had never done this before, but I wanted to surprise him. It had taken every bit of self-confidence I had but at the moment I wasn't so sure. It was too late to turn back now. I was here. On my knees. Waiting.

I heard the front door open and close. A quick glance at the clock. Right on time. Not a minute too late. I let out a shaky breath as he paused in the hallway. My heartbeat quickened as I heard his heavy boots on the stairs, following the trail of electronic candles I set out on the steps. I lowered my head, hands on my naked thighs. Back straight. This is it. Just a few more steps and he would see me.

His steps faltered and I heard a sharp intake of breath. He had not expected me to sit here, like this. He gave a soft hum, before he stepped in the room. Not acknowledging me, he walked right by me, the heat of his body caressing my skin. I shivered in anticipation. The quiet was overwhelming and I bowed my head a bit further. To be honest, I was scared. Any time now he could burst in laughter, walk away, reject me. Oh god, I made a horrible mistake. I ruined everything we had together. All our nightly conversations, where I could pour my heart out to him. All the nights we made out or fucked until the sun rose again. All of it, just gone.

He moved in front of me and I held my breath, staring at the tips of his boots. Just do it, rip off the band aid. His fingers grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look up to him.

"What's this, kitten?" he said with a low voice. I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't know what to say. He'd think it was a stupid idea. "Talk to me."

"I just wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry." My voice was small, and I shifted my eyes away from his face.

"Stand up," he commanded, helping me move to my feet. He took a small step away from me, his eyes shifted lazily over my body. "Don't ever say sorry for surprising me. Especially when you're looking like this. Damn." I flushed and gave him a small smile. I had learned a long time ago to just accept his compliments. I had done my best for him. It had taken me hours to find the right lingerie that hugged my curves just right. Another couple of hours before I found enough confidence to actually purchase it. After that, before I lost it, I texted him to come over. Today I just kept busy to silence the nerves. I cleaned the whole house, showered, shaved, and scrubbed everything. And here I stood, gazing up at his dark eyes. My eyes shifted down as he licked his lips, his piercing shimmered in the dim light. I felt the tension grow between us, electrifying the air. I wanted nothing more than to close the distance between us. Pull him in and make him mine. He lifted his finger and made a circling motion, indicating I should spin, showing him every bit of me. My flush deepened. Even though it had been my choice to stand here half naked, I still hated to show myself to him. Being so exposed. He knew that. Still, I did as he asked and slowly turned around. He whistled softly.

"You are beau-ti-ful. But tell me, did you just want to surprise me with this outfit, or do you want to play?" I gasped at the intensity of his tone. He knew what I wanted, and I knew he wanted me to tell him.

"I'd like to play, sir," I whispered. He gently turned me around, his arm sliding across my belly, holding me tight to him. The other slid to my throat, his fingers on my jaw, pushing my face slightly up. His lips felt hot on the side of my neck.

"Look at yourself. Look how sexy you are." My eyes shifted forwards. I stood directly in front of a mirror. His teeth grazed my skin. I saw his hand moving down, from my throat to my chest. He freed one of my boobs from the bra and cupped it firmly, my nipple hardening under his touch. I moaned and leaned my head back against his shoulder.

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