12 ~ weed

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"Wake up lazy bones!"

Rhy screamed as he walked into the room, banging a wooden spoon on a frying pan and making far too much noise for Moon's liking.

She pushed her head into the pillow and screamed before throwing everything in arms reach at her friend.

After hitting him in the face with her alarm clock, Rhy left and Moon dragged herself out of bed, forcing herself into the shower.

It was eleven am and Moon was taking a week off work to catch up on school stuff she'd missed while skipping school.

The only reason she hadn't dropped out was because she needed to graduate high school if she ever wanted to fulfil her dream as a fashion designer.

She got changed into a green tank top and some shorts, grabbing some fuzzy socks and tying her hair in a messy bun with some strands out at the front.

She grabbed her textbooks and started reading about plant cells, stopping after two minutes to repeatedly bang her head on the table.

The girl started to feel dizzy and lifted her head up, feeling Aimee place a hand on her back.

"Come on love, it's only two more weeks!"

"I'd rather die."

"It's only summer school!"

"I want to die."


Moon put her head back on the table as Aimee tried to think of ways to help her friend.

"I'll buy you anything you want from five guys if you memorise that page in an hour."

"Be back soon!"

Aimee walked out of the apartment, looking back to see her friends aqua eyes intensely scanning the page.


As soon as she heard a key turn in the door, Moon slammed the book shut and jumped out of her seat to see Aimee carrying a paper bag and a chocolate milkshake, both with the five guys logo on it.

"I love you Ames!"

She squealed and grabbed the double cheeseburger out of her hand, throwing herself onto the couch and switching on an episode of Brooklyn nine-nine.

Seeing as Moon was only a couple months behind the rest of the people her age, she wouldn't have to go for another two weeks but only two weeks of summer school to catch up on math and science.

Two weeks of her most hated classes yay
Hear the sarcasm?

Instead of actually studying, Moon took that time to think about what Tony had said yesterday.

She had eventually come to the decision to wait until Aimee had moved in with her soulmate, a guy named Steve who went to school with her.

They were planning to move in by October and already had a 'commitment animal' named goat, who was actually a goat.

He was sweet and since Moon gave her stamp of approval of their relationship, Aimee was happier than ever and looking to buy a house.

An actual house, not an apartment. It shocked Moon when she found out but she's happy for her friend.

Just as she had that thought, the blonde rushed into the room, soulmate in hand, and not to mention screaming at the top of her lungs.

"We're moving in together!"

Before the younger of the two could even comprehend what was being said, Aimee went on to tell her about it.

"It's a house above a bakery! I can be a baker like I've always wanted to! I love toast! We're leaving at the start of july."

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