Chapter 4: Leaving.

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It had been a month since Trevor kidnapped me, and I had felt more safe whenever I was with Matt. Probably because he's hella strong. 

Matt was leaving with Avenged Sevenfold for another tour which left me alone with Brittney, which was fine because we always had fun together. I was going to miss Matt, a lot.

"You sure you don't wanna come with me?" Matt asked as I was helping him pack.

"I'm sure. I have so much work to do. I don't want to get fired, but I'll be watching it on YouTube when it's published, okay?" I asked.

They were going back to their hometown, LBC, for a concert, Matt was really excited but I knew he's miss me, I'd miss him.

"I love you, okay? Let me know if anything happens, I'm one phone call away." Matt said, zipping up his last suitcase.

"I will, I promise." I said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then a kiss on the lips, I was going to miss that a lot.

"You ready Shads?" Zacky asked, walking in.

"Just about." Matt said.

"We got to leave to the airport soon man, hurry up." Brian said, beside Zacky.

"You gotta go babe." I said, putting my hand on his arm.

He gave me one last kiss and a hug before leaving. I gave the other guys a hug goodbye, they're like family to me, I've known them almost my whole life.

I felt so alone closing the front door behind me. I called Brittney and her brother Mark so I could feel more safe. I hated being alone, I always replayed that night in my head.

"Hey Britt, can you and Mark come over? The boys left for the airport." I said.

"Of course. We'll be there in ten." She said.

I made some dinner for them and heard them ringing the doorbell.

"Hey JJ!" Brittney said, giving me a hug.

"Hey, Britt." I said.

"Hey JJ." Mark said, also giving me a hug.

I had been best friends with Mark ever since I met Brittney. He had always been there for me and I had always been there for him. I'm also glad him and Matt get along too.

"What did you make?" Brittney asks, walking with me to the kitchen while Mark sat on the sofa.

"I made pizza, I didn't know what else to make." I said, laughing.

"That's because you can't cook, don't make it not obvious." Brittney said, laughing.

I started laughing, getting everyone's food ready.

After we ate Mark had left but Brittney was still here because she insisted she should spend the night.

"How are you and Matt?" Brittney asked.

"We're really good, I think I might call him tomorrow." I said, smiling.

Just as I said that my phone rang, it was Matt.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey beautiful, just wanted to hear your voice, everything okay there?" He asked.

"Everything is great here. I'm with Britt right now. You still at the airport?" I asked.

"Just got on the plane. Zacky's complaining on how he misses Jessie." He said.

"I love Jessie and Zacky, hell they've been together for about eight years now." I said.

"We should go that long, if not further." He said, laughing.

"I'd say forever." I said. He couldn't see it, but I was blushing.

"Alright well I gotta go beautiful, plane is about to go. I love you." He said.

"I love you too, call me when you make it so I know you're safe." I said.

"I know what to do." He said.

I hung up and turned my attention back to Brittney, who was smiling.

"Don't even start Britt." I said, laughing.

"Ugh! I can't help it you and Matt are so cute together." She said.

"Thank you, Britt." I said.

"We should go to bed, it's late as hell." She said.

"You're right." I said.

We went into my room (Basically my room but we were at Matt's house.) and got changed. I got into one of Matt's shirts and his sweatpants.

"Why not get into your own clothes weirdo!" Brittney said, laughing.

"Because I miss my boyfriend, you're just jealous cause you don't have one!" I said, giggling.

"I know I know, but, I have my ways." She said, winking at me.

"Go to bed dork." I said, smiling.

We went to bed and I surprisingly didn't have a Nightmare that night, but I was still hoping Matt was safe.

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