Chapter 19: The Honeymoon.

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"Clothes?" Jessie asked.

"Check." I said.



"Bathing suits?" 


"Husband?" She finally asked.

I looked over and he was standing there, talking with Zacky.

"Check." I said, smiling.

"Good. You're set to go! God I'm so happy for you JJ." She said.

We decided to move Jimmy's celebration of life to after we come back, so it would be more special.

I hugged Jessie as Matt and I headed to the airport, none of us felt like driving three days again.

We got to the airport and waited for our flight, I squeezed his hand as we got into the plane, I hated planes.

"It's okay, I'm here." He said.

I fell asleep in the plane and it had been five hours, then we made it to Hawaii. It was always so beautiful.

"I'm so excited to be here with you again." I said.

"Yes, but this time you're my wife, not my girlfriend." He said, smiling.

I gave him a kiss as we got a taxi to the same hotel. We surprisingly got the same room we did.

"The memories in here were awesome." He said, looking at me.

"I plan to make more." I said, looking up and down at him.

"Deal." He said, hugging me. I loved hugging him, I always felt safe.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I said.

"Me too." He said, kissing me.

"Want to go to the beach and watch the sunset?" I asked.

"You know it." He said.

We sat down on a towel and just watched the beach flow, right as the sun hit the water he pulled me in for a kiss and I started making out with him, it felt amazing.

"You're so beautiful Jade Sanders." He said.

"You're so handsome Matthew Sanders." I said.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead. I couldn't believe I was spending the rest of my life with him. Every single second, minute, and hour I thought about only him.

The next morning it felt beautiful, but I noticed Matt was gone, where could he be? Then I found a note.

It said, "Hey gorgeous, I went to go shopping since it's your birthday tomorrow, text me as soon as you wake up." 

I of course texted him as soon as I finished the note.

Me: You didn't have to get me anything baby, you know you're always a gift to me.

Matt: I had to, you know I love you. Go get something to eat from the breakfast area, you need it.

Me: Alright boss. I love you.

Matt: I love you more.

I got up and got ready for the day, I put on some black pants, an Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil shirt, and curled my hair.

I went downstairs to get breakfast, I had gotten coffee and a donut, then I walked around stores, getting stuff for myself and some clothes since I needed more. When I got back to the room Matt was in there, of course waiting for me.

"What did you get baby?" He asked.

"I got some clothes and jewelry." I said, smiling.

Then he held out a bag for me. 

"It took me awhile, I needed to find the perfect one." He said.

I opened it and it was a band shirt, he knew how much I loved band shirts. It was a Motionless in White shirt, one I've always wanted.

"YOU DID NOT." I said, gasping.

"You like it?" He asked.

"I LOVE IT." I said.

I jumped into his arms and hugged him, kissing him too.

"I'm glad you like it gorgeous, now get ready, I'm taking you on a date." He said.

I nodded in agreement and changed into a nice white dress, black heels, and re curled my hair.

"God you look beautiful." He said, hugging me.

"And you don't look too bad yourself Mr. Shadows." I said.

He laughed and we walked to the place, it was the first restaurant we've ever went to in Hawaii.

"I missed eating here." I said.

"I figured, so I wanted to take you here." He said, kissing me.

I kissed him back and hugged him, I loved being with him so much.

After we ate we had some fun and fell asleep, I never wanted to leave.

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