Chapter 9: The Show.

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While Matt and the guys went to the recording place to figure out what they're playing in their show I decided to hangout with Jessie, of course Michelle had to tag along because Brian told me it wouldn't be so bad. It was. The bitch bitched about everything, mostly insulting me.

"Wanna head over to the dress store for the concert tomorrow night?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah I might see something I like." I said.

"Like it'll even look good on you, fat ass." Michelle said.

"Shut the fuck up whore." Jessie said.

Jessie was also my best friend, I could go to her for anything.

"So, see anything you like?" Jessie asked.

"I like this one." I said.

It was a nice white dress with sparkles and lacing at the bottom.

"Try it on, Matt will think it'll look sexy on you." She said.

I took my size and tried it on, picturing Matt looking at me made me feel less insecure until Michelle had to comment on it.

"Have you tried a bigger size? Maybe like extra large?" She asked.

I was a fucking medium. I wanted to slap her right in her fake ass face.

"Shut the fuck up she's hot." Jessie said.

"I'm gonna buy it." I said.

I bought the dress and Jessie bought a nice black dress with no sleeves and Michelle bought an expensive ass red dress.

"You're gonna look so hot in that dress, Matt might not even be able to resist you while singing." Jessie said, smiling.

"Are you kidding? Zacky will go nuts over you." I said.

We dropped our dresses off at the hotel then went to the recording studio to see everyone.

"Hey Matt!" I said.

"Hello beautiful, how was shopping?" He asked.

"It was alright I guess." I said, looking at Michelle who was giving me a dirty look.

"Did she say something?" He whispered.

"I was trying on a nice dress that I bought and she made a rude comment." I said.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"She said I should be an extra large when I'm literally only a medium." I said, trying not to cry.

"Don't listen to her, you look sexy no matter what." He said, kissing me.

"Thank you now get back to work I'll be over here." I said.

After they got done we headed back to the hotel and I immediately started crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I don't think I'll look good in this dress." I said.

"Try it on. I wanna see." He said.

I grabbed the dress and put it on in the bathroom. It fit perfectly but I just didn't know. I walked out and saw Matt's eyes widen.

"Holy shit." He said.

"I know, I look bad." I said, crying.

"No. Fuck no. You look fucking stunning." He said, smiling.

"Really?" I asked.

"Take that dress off and come here." He said.

I took it off and jumped in his arms and we kept kissing. God I could do this all night. We went to bed and both woke up at about 8 AM.

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