Chapter 15: A Great Tour.

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"YOU LOVEBIRDS READY TO GO?" Johnny yelled across the house.


I smiled and it happened again, I was making out with Matthew fucking Sanders.

"C'mon babe we have to go." I said.

"God I want you." He said.

"At the hotel you have me, but for now, we have to resist each other." I said.

"Damnit I hate when you're right." He said.

We laughed and walked down to Johnny, who was of course with Brittney.

"Hey Britt!" I said, hugging her.

"Hey Jade!" She said, smiling.

"Someone's happy." I said, smiling back.

"I'll tell you about it on the tour bus." She said.

We walked out to the tour bus and I sat with Matt the whole time. We were going to LBC for a huge concert, they were performing songs from the Avenged Sevenfold album, City of Evil, and like one song from Waking the Fallen.

"I like that you're coming on tour with me, you should come more often." Matt said.

"I will, I love travelling." I said, smiling.

He gave me a kiss as Brittney walked towards me.

"I need her for a second." She said, smiling.

"She's all yours, don't steal her for too long." He said.

~Matt's POV~ 

Fuck I was nervous. After the show I wanted to bring Jade to the stage to propose to her in front of everyone. I had the ring and everything.

"Now that she's gone, did you bring the ring with you?" Brian asked, sitting across from me.

"Yeah, I do, I'm nervous man, what if she says no?" I asked.

"She's not gonna say no. We all know how much you love each other." He said.

"You're right, thanks Syn." I said.

~Jade's POV~

"Johnny and I are dating." Brittney said.

"Britt I'm so happy for you! Congratulations." I said.

"Thank you. What do you and Matt plan on doing in their hometown?" She asked.

"Have fun. When he's done with his concert we're gonna have even more fun." I said, smiling.

"You two are a match made in heaven." She said.

"JJ! How dare you not come and say hello to me?" Jessie asked, giving me a tight hug.

"Sorry Jess. I was discussing stuff with Britt and I didn't see you!" I said.

"Hey Britt! Congrats on you and Johnny." Jessie said.

"Thanks Jess!" Brittney said.

"Can I have her now?" Matt asked.

"Fine, don't steal her forever." Brittney said.

I walked over to the couch area and sat with Matt.

"This is gonna be a good show I just know it." He said.

"How?" I asked, smiling.

"You'll see, we will all see." He said.

We finally made it to LBC but sadly their concert was tomorrow, so I had limited time with Matt.

"What shall we do for the remaining hours I have you?" I asked.

"Let's walk around the beach, it's my favorite place to go whenever I'm here." He said.

"Deal." I said.

I put on just a shirt and comfortable shorts, I didn't want to get fully in the water.

"It's so nice here." I said.

"Very calm too." He said.

We walked and held hands for awhile until it got cold so we went back in the hotel.

I had woken up at about noon, how the hell did I sleep so long? I was probably really tired. I noticed that Matt left already but he left me a note.

"Be careful, I love you and I'm gonna be working with the guys, come if you want when you wake up. Xoxox, Matt." It said.

I got up and showered and got dressed, I wore a white dress with black flats, and straightened my hair, so I didn't have to later.

I made it to where Matt was, which was where he was performing tonight. Their performance started at about seven so in about six hours.

"Hey, you read my note?" Matt asked, hugging me.

"It was the first thing I noticed." I said, smiling.

"My god you look beautiful." He said.

"Thank you." I said, kissing him.

Those six hours passed by quick. I was standing by Jessie and Brittney in the backstage, watching them, kind of singing along. 

When the show over I noticed Matt looking at me, but nobody left.

~Matt's POV~

Shit. I was about to do it.

"And now, I'd like to bring my girlfriend to the stage." I said.

"Come on Jade." Zacky said.

She walked out, she looked beautiful.

And I started to propose. Fuck.

"I have known you my whole life, and I want to know you even more. So, I have something." I said.

I grabbed the box and got on one knee. She smiled and it drove me crazy. 

"Jade Marie Bakers, will you marry me?" I asked.


"Yes!" She said, hugging me and kissing me. The crowd cheered so loud.

"Thank you everyone for coming!" I said.

~Jade's POV~

"Jade Marie Bakers, will you marry me?" I heard him ask.


"Yes!" I said.


We walked over to the bedroom and I couldn't help but jump into his arms and just kiss him for hours.

"Bed." I said.

"Fuck. Yes ma'am." He said.

I can't believe I'm marrying Matthew fucking Sanders.

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