Chapter 7: Back To Normal.

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I had finally been able to go back to work. When Matt and I had that fight I called in sick for those five days. It concerned them I almost got fired. But I went back, I needed money to keep a roof over Zacky's head and my head. Zacky was mostly spending the night at Jessie's.

"You're back!" My friend Michelle said.

"I am, thank God. I need the money." I said.

"But isn't your boyfriend rich as hell?" She asked.

"You know I wouldn't use him for money that's stupid." I said.

"Good point. You're waitress today." She said.

Waitress was my favorite. I found it easiest.

I turn to go to a table when I see Matt and the guys walk in. I smiled at them, mostly Matt.

I turned back to the table I was supposed to.

"Hey! What can I get for you today?" I asked.

"Can I get the number two special please?" The man asked.

He was a very sweet man who came here everyday for the new specials. He also extra tipped me so it was a bonus.

"Of course! And to drink?" I asked.

"Water, please." He said.

I nodded and smiled and turned back to Michelle. 

"Number two and water, please." I said.

"You got it. Also after you serve this one you're off for the day." She said.

"Thanks Michelle." I said.

I got the guy's meal and served it to him. I went to Matt's table and found Angel, another waitress, flirting with him.

"So, you have a girlfriend by chance?" She asked him.

"Yeah, she works here actually." He said.

"JJ! Over here!" Zacky yelled.

I walked over there and Matt gave me a kiss and I sat by him.

"This is Jade, my girlfriend." He said.

"Oh, sorry Jade." She said, walking away.

"I'm finally off. What's up everyone?" I asked.

"Did you know Britt is now dating Johnny?" Jimmy blurted out.

"Hey! I was gonna tell her that. You blew it Jimmy!" Johnny said.

"Shut up short shit!" Jimmy said.

"That's amazing Johnny." I said.

He nodded in agreement and raised his eyebrows when he saw Matt staring at me.

"What now? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"No, I'm just admiring." He said.

"Admiring what?" I asked, smiling.

"You." He said, giving me a kiss.

"Ew, get a room!" Jimmy said.

"Jealous?" I asked.

Jimmy rolled his eyes and laughed.

After the guys ate Matt and I drove home.

"So, how was work today gorgeous?" He asked.

"Alright. I was waitress so it was fine." I said, yawning.

"You know, I was thinking.." He started.

"What?" I asked.

"Maybe you could quit, so I could have more time with you, and we could sell your house. Zacky's moving in with Jessie." He said.

"I don't know..." I said. But I wanted to.

"You don't have to baby, just a thought." He said.

"I'll do it." I said.

I called my boss and told her I wanted to quit. She understood well.

"Finally." He said.

He pulled me on top of his lap and I started kissing him.

Then I get a call from an unknown number, who could this be?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello Jade." The person said. It was Val. Fucking Val.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked.

"What are you doing skank?" She asked.

Matt heard her and took my phone.

"Oh Val! She's busy. We're about to fool around a bit." He said in the phone.

She hung up.

"So, where were we?" He asked.

"Hmm... We should do what you told Val." I said, smiling.

"I agree." He said, pulling me closer.

I missed that.

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