Chapter 14: Back To Reality.

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Unfortunately the week flung by hella fast, but it was the best week I've ever had. With Matt it was the best. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it with anyone else.

"Damnit I'm not even wanting to go home." He said.

"We have to, you have a tour in a week." I said, kissing him.

"Yeah, I know. You're coming right?" He asked.

Holy shit, I thought it was just a one time thing.

"Is Jessie coming?" I asked.

"As far as I know yes." He said, smiling.

"Good, I would feel nervous." I said.

"Nervous about what?" He asked.

"Being alone, without you being able to stand by me." I said.

"Look, I will always protect you, even during a concert." He said, pulling me in for a hug.

"We should probably get on the road now." I said, smiling.

We finished packing up and cleaned up the hotel room before we left, it was sad to leave, I had such a good time with Matt.

Three days came by and we made it home. Finally home. I hated long drives, but I hated it less knowing that Matt was right beside me.

We got our suitcases in our room and I got into the shower, not long into showering I heard Matt come in.

"Move it missy I need a shower too." He said, laughing.

I laughed and nodded in agreement, watching him wash his hair, and oh god his body always looked so good.

He looked at me and smiled, exchanging a look at me.

"I couldn't help but stare." I said.

"I know, I'm just hot as hell." He said.

We got out of the shower and I decided to invite Jessie over, Brittney was on a date with Johnny. Iconic right?

"Hey girl!" I hear her yell coming towards me.

"Hey Jess." I said.

"Tell me everything RIGHT NOW." She said in excitement.

"It was lovely, we got to eat out almost everyday, we walked along the beach, he took me to a very nice dinner and oh god Jessie it was perfect." I said.

"Sounds like a dream. Zacky only does that for my or his birthday but it's still worth it." She said.

"Right." I said.

I gave her a tight hug and we talked about Matt and Hawaii. It was so perfect I could talk about it for hours. Zacky came in the door looking for Jessie, picking her up to go to the studio.

"You wanna come with JJ?" Matt asked me.

"Of course I do, Sanders." I said, smiling.

We made it to the studio and god was Matt's voice a dream. They were recording the Avenged Sevenfold album. It was personally my favorite album. Everyone had gotten finished and Matt and I drove back to the house.

"What should we do before we go on tour?" He asked.

"We can do whatever." I said, smiling.

"Whatever you say.." He said, grinning.

"Yes whatever." I said.

"Get your bathing suit on, we're going in the pool." He said.

I got my bathing suit on and jumped in the pool, he jumped in after me. 

"I missed this pool." He said.

"Me too, it's calm." I said.

"I enjoy being here with you, Jade." He said.

I couldn't help but pull him in for a kiss, making out with him for basically the first time, I was always so scared.

"Holy shit." He said.

"Was I bad?" I asked.

"We're taking this to the bedroom." He said.

We ran up to the bedroom and he threw me on the bed, coming on top of me after, I liked that we could do this anywhere we wanted.

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