Chapter 20: Celebration of Life.

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We got back from our AWESOME honeymoon and prepared for Jimmy's celebration of life. It was tomorrow.

"I'm not prepared for this, Jade." Matt said, pacing around the room.

"Matt, I know Jimmy would want you guys to do this, heck Jimmy would do this for you guys too." I said.

"You're right, maybe I'm just overthinking it, I just don't want it to go horrible." He said.

"It wont I promise. I'll be by your side." I said.

"I know, Val is coming, you already know how that's gonna go down." He said.

"I know, I'll handle it, I'm not letting her ruin a thing." I said, smiling.

He looked at me with his beautiful green eyes and kissed me.

"We should probably head to the church to set the rest of the stuff up." I said.

Matt nodded in agreement as we drove to the church, we wanted everything to go perfect. When we got there we saw Val there, viciously staring at me.

"What do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?" She asked.

"I'm here to set up. Give me a break Val." I said.

"Back of my husband." She said.

"Actually, I got married to him three weeks ago so technically he's my husband." I said, showing out my ring.

"You seriously married this bitch?" She yelled.

"Yes, Val, I did. She's the love of my life. Don't be mad just because I never loved you that way." He said.


We ignored her the rest of the time and prepared the slideshow of old pictures and videos of Jimmy. The cover photo was Jimmy, Zacky, and Syn hugging, it was my favorite picture. We had set up everything else in his favorite color and it looked perfect.

"I told you it was gonna look great." I said.

"I know. You were right." He said, smiling.

"Alright well I'm gonna check to make sure everything's alright in here, wait in the car for me." I said, giving him a kiss.

"Got it." He said, walking to the car. 

I turned around and organized a few things, making sure everything was perfect. I headed back to the car and Val was of course flirting with Matt.

"Hey babe, ready to go?" I asked.

"Shut up, I'm talking to him." Val said.

"Val, please let my WIFE take me home." Matt said.

He was very clear on wife.

"She can't be your wife, I don't believe it." She said. 

He showed her his ring, and I showed her mine, I also showed her my lock screen, which was my favorite wedding photo of us.

"Fuck off, Jade. I'll get my revenge." She said, walking away.

"Let's go before she does anything else." I said.

"It worries me that she's gonna ruin Jimmy's thing tomorrow." Matt said.

"She won't, if she says one thing she's getting kicked out." I said.

"Good." He said, kissing me.

It was the next day and we had spent all day getting the slideshow uploaded to the projector, and we had to upload So Far Away to it.

"Alright, we gotta go home and get ready now." Matt said.

"Alright, let's go." I said.

I got into a dress that Jimmy picked out for me for Matt and I's first ever date. I almost cried.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Let's go." He said.

We arrived at the church and it was flooded with Jimmy's family and friends. Even his ex girlfriend, Natalie.

We met up with the guys, Jessie, and Brittney. Val was talking with Jimmy's childhood friend, Josh. Josh had absolutely no interest in Val.

"So, how's it going Matt?" Johnny asked.

"Great, I just miss Jimmy. I'm glad to have Jade by my side or else I would be in hell." He said.

"That's sweet." Brian said.

"So, is Arin good?" I asked.

"Some say I am really good, some say I am not." Arin said.

Arin was very quiet, but he was sweet.

"What album comes after Nightmare?" Brittney asked.

"I don't know, got any good ideas Jade?" Brian asked.

"I was thinking Hail to the King." I said.

"It's our time to go to the stage." Matt said.

I nodded as we walked up to the stage, giving our speech.

"You first." I said.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna start with Jimmy being my best friend. We've known each other long enough. We've known each other longer than I've known anyone besides Zacky. He took an important part in my life. He always kept this band together when we fought. He always helped me when I had struggles with Jade, he always helped me when I had trouble singing. I will always love Jimmy." Matt said, crying.

I gave him a rub on the arm and said my speech.

"Jimmy was like a brother to me. He always knew how to keep me happy and he helped me when Trevor was doing his worst to me. He always told me how to act on my dates with Matt and he always knew what he was doing. He had his shit together and he kept our shit together. We love and miss you Jimmy." I said, also crying.

Everyone clapped and cheered, and we started the slideshow.

It showed every single memory of Jimmy as So Far Away played. When everything was done we had drinks and food, and a time to talk. Val of course had to come up to me when Matt was somewhere else talking with family.

"I want you to divorce him." She said.

"No, Val. I'm in love with him, please leave us alone." I said.

"He doesn't love you, he probably proposed in a garage." She said.

"Actually, he proposed after the LBC concert." I said.

"Prove it." She said.

I pulled out my phone and pulled out the video of him proposing on the stage.

"I hate you, Jade Bakers." She said.

"Actually, it's Jade Sanders now, as you can see I'm married to Matthew, so please, go." I said.

"I'm not leaving." She said, coming closer.

"SECURITY?" I yelled.

The security came and dragged Val out, and I waved goodbye.

After the party was done, Matt and I went home, and he started crying.

"I miss him, Jade." He said.

"I know you do, we'll get through this, I'm here with you baby." I said.

"Thank you." He said, kissing me.

It was gonna be rough, but I knew that if Matt was by my side and I was by his side we'd get through it.

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