Designing with Mr. Deonté

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Spring [ 1995]

You graduated from the NYU fashion design program

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You graduated from the NYU fashion design program. You reminisce on all of the hard labor and the arduous skill it took to bring a clothing piece together. Now you worked at a job that had decent pay but was becoming hard with the demands you had for rent and the lifestyle you tried to keep up with.

Let's be honest. y/n was a technical specialist and fashion assistant. Yeah, that's right. She got stuck picking up expressos for demanding white executives telling you what was the latest trend and what was downright tacky. Even though your culture was the one that started all the trends. As a matter of fact, you knew your people were the originators. On that chilly spring morning, you walked inside of the huge skyscraping building with trays of Starbucks coffees.

your sunglasses were stacked on top of your hair as your jet black hair cascaded down your lace crop top paired with a mint green leather jacket and mint green leather pants. Your shoes were black shiny platform boots that stopped mid-ankle. It was your job to come up with creative looks and stick out from the people who wore the normal trends, truth was every 5 years the fashion scene was changing. In 1990 denim was probably the most sought-after piece of clothing. Along with flower printed dresses, now people were becoming more interested in darker looks almost as if they were from outer space. Music helped promote fashion because artists helped.

'Kamil, can you let Miranda know I have the double shot expresso and her gluten-free blueberry muffin?' you asked. Kamil was another fashion assistant but she was a paygrade above you. She showed you the ropes of the business. Kamil was a beautiful Ukrainian girl with the prettiest features. She had bluish-greenish eyes and wavy hair. She looked like a modern-day Audrey Hepburn at times, with the slender built she had and the long pair of legs she could have modeled.
" Did you say blueberry? I meant to say banana. I am so sorry y/n."
You sucked your teeth. Little mistakes like this could cause you a career. Kamil looked at you with regretful eyes, hoping she didn't make you angry.

You weren't angry just frustrated. Frustrated because they recognized your talent but still decided to make you a coffee run girl when your gifts could be of use in those board meetings when they talked about fashion shows and what the latest would be.

You snatched the blueberry muffin from Kamil giving her a strained grin. 'Let's try this again

After finishing the errands of the day, Miranda the executive called a meeting for all head designers, advisors, and trainees. Apparently, she wanted to introduce someone that was going to take the company to the next level. No one ate lunch that day. They feared if they missed they would be fired.
'Ladies and gentlemen, I have called a meeting on this particular day because we have some exciting news. Although Dior has been a company for 100's of years and is well respected in the game, we want to stay relevant and reach this generation.' Miranda said smiling. She started placing her hand on a young male figure who stood about 6'3 and he had broad shoulders and a lean build. He was wrapped in toffee color skin that was smooth as all get out. His lips were cosmic, pink, and immensely moisturized. His eyes, being the one thing that could stand out about his face. The amber flecked and dangerously caught the eyes of everyone. From the surface, he looked like an agreeable man. Handsome to say the least. It wasn't that it was uncommon it was just he had a more natural handsome than others, with his jawlines he could kill and be on every runway leading to Paris.
'And we have just the person for that.' she lastly said. ' a round of applause for Deonté.'
Everyone stood up in the conference room clapping for him. He started to silence them once he was given room to speak.
'It's my greatest pleasure to be here. My job is to figure who's fit for the job and who's not. Your executive designer is depending on me to bring results and that's what I do, I bring them.' if you could be a fly on the wall, you'd hear people gulping and a pin drop from the mile away. His voice was thunderous, vibrating through the room which was not expected.
Deonté gave a series of presentations about how he was gonna promote the company. He was going to be in charge of looking at the designs for the spring collection. It was said that he was hard to please. y/n only solution was to show the executives how good and life-changing her designs really were. She busted her tail from day to day doing tasks that had nothing to do with Adam's apple. But she was going to make it a point to show them what she had in store.

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