Dalvin and me part 3

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"y/n come on your gonna make us late to the event."

here I was in the same place I was 3 years ago miserable. Robert had got into my good graces again. And I know what people are thinking 'I'm a fool' they are right. I had a perfectly young man who was willing to love me for who I am and I went back to a tired man who did not really appreciate me.

Days went by but there was never a day that I did not think of Dalvin. How smooth he was and how hip he was. He taught me so many things about life that I thought I could teach him. But I guess I was wrong.

"Robert, stop rushing me your the one who sprung up this event on me all late." I yelled at him then rolled my eyes. Robert was a huge basketball fan and he wanted to drag me along. Nothing is ever enjoyable with him.

"so you don't want to go? is that what you are saying?" he asked me intently looking at me waiting for a response.

"it isn't that I don't want to go its just that its short notice plus I don't even know who is playing." I lied.

"well don't worry about that, that's all on me." I nodded my head at him not really caring what he was saying I was just going to please him and not hurt his feelings.


" And number 31 is in the game!" the sports commentator said just above us.

"who is 31?" a girl commented sitting beside us.

as soon as she asked I looked on the court seeing' Degrate' on the back of a young guys jersey he was running and jumped up being giddy. He was talking to his teammates and seemed to be joking a long with them.

"Robert you did not tell me we were coming to see these teams." I said gulping a little out of fear. although Robert was well aware about me seeing someone he never knew who it was.

"of course I thought I told you it was a surprise." he looked at me confused that I would ask such a question.

" uhh right." I answered defeated.

After a long game Dalvin's team had won and his teammates seemed filled with joy as they jumped on one another patting on each others back and yelling obscene things at each other as well.

I watched Dalvin walk across the court and grabbed a young lady. He kissed her deeply and looked at her with a look of love in his eyes the girl smiled brightly back at him after they finished kissing. everyone in the bleachers awed them.

after viewing such a public display of affection my heart sunk into my stomach. Not because I was madly in love with him which I was by the way but because he is with someone younger than I. She can give him more than I ever could so I don't blame him one bit.

"come on its time to go ,that was a good game." Robert stood up and attached his hand to mine while I absentmindedly nodded and followed him through the crowd leaving the arena.

we soon got into the car to ride to our next destination but Robert would not tell me where we were going.

" hey , wake up were here." he said as I woke up subtly groaning from taking a much needed nap.

"wait this is our old neighbors house." I stated looking at him like a deer in headlights.

"it is. this is your surprise, I remember you were so fond of her."

it was not her I was so fond of.


I tried protesting Robert about going inside the house but he would not budge. Said that he had already called Mrs. Daisy and said I was coming. He told me about how happy she was to hear from us and could not wait for us to come.

so I had to give in or else I would feel guilty. Robert grabbed my hand as we proceeded to walk around inside the house. there was loud music and everyone was in conversations. miss daisy spotted me.

"child is that you?" I laughed and approached her. she opened her arms and embraced me around my neck.

" in the flesh." I muttered chuckling. " well I have not seen you in almost 3 years. so much has changed since you left Mrs. Harrington. She added. After me and miss daisy had a long heart to heart she told me to help myself to some food and to get a drink in the fridge.

when I walked in to kitchen I placed my purse on the island and made my way towards the refrigerator but not before I heard some moaning. I looked every which way in the kitchen and the moaning continued the voice came from a high pitch female . it happened to be in the closet and they kept hitting a wall and thumping the closet.

"Dal!" the girl yelped. And so I knew it was time for me to go. I could hear him muffling her mouth.

"shh girl you got to be quiet my aunt and mama might hear you." he warned her.

"w-well I-i just wanted to give you some victory loving." she tried to say seductively but probably stuttering from the overwhelming pleasure she may have been experiencing.

"you can do that later." I started to leave out the kitchen and heard the closet door open up.

"baby I am so proud of you, you did your thing tonight." the girl gleefully expressed to Dalvin.

"its all because of you, you are my good luck charm. he said flicking her chin as he zipped his pants up lastly.

I heard their exchange with each other and the girl decided to go talk with the rest of Dalvin's family members and friends. she walked out of the kitchen. I was at the brim of the door and the girl looked over at me and gave me that awkward smile that white people give you. I decided to give her a tight grin in return.

I turned around to throw my drink away and that's when Dalvin noticed me and his eyes peered at the side of my face. "y/n? I-I mean mrs. Harrington?" he said looking at me confused awaiting my answer. "hmm?" I answered. "what you doing here?"

"I saw the game tonight and you guys are good. " I said to him hoping it would be a good enough reason for him.

"well uh thanks." he said nodding his head taking what I said into consideration. It became a awkward silence as he leaned down on to the kitchen counter.

"well I guess I'll be going." I commented not wanting to endure the awkward silence any longer.

"y/n wait." he finally said I stopped any further movement.

"we need to talk there's so much you don't know and so much I want to know." he said softly.

I knew I owed him a explanation for leaving him that summer it seemed as if I played with his heart. But at the time I thought I was doing the right thing for the both of us or maybe cared to much about the opinions of others.

"look I am sorry for leaving you t-"

"y/n how could you? I was in love with you and you just went and ran back in to the arms of Robert."

"but you dont understand Dal."

"oh I understand alright, it was about the money." he chuckled in disgust. " dont say that its not true." I answered him with tears almost streaming down my eyes.

"STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO SAY! ITS TRUE AND YOU KNOW ITS TRUE!" He yelled at me and became aggravated. there were not many times me and Dalvin argued but I guess this had to be one of them.

"You promised that you would not go back to that fool." he lowered his voice now approaching me and touching my hair.

"why do you call him a fool? " " he's a fool for not loving you right the first time." he replied.

Dalvin was just about to lean in and kiss me but a tall lean built guy with caramel skin and rubber bands in his hair walked in leaning against the door post.

"ayye Dal everything alright in here?" he asked looking in between us. a smirk grew on the guys face. I don't think I knew him but he looked related to him.

"yeah man just talking. oh yeah DeVante this is miss Harrington , miss Harrington this is my brother DeVante ." I shook his hand chuckling nervously obviously in emotional disaray and I knew he sensed it.

"nice to meet you."

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